Euler knight tour

Our task is to find a tour on a chessboard for a knight figure such that the knight moves through every cell exactly once and at the end of the tour returns to its starting point. The path of the knight must follow the standard chess rules: a knight moves either one cell vertically and two cells horizontally, or two cells in the vertical and one cell in the horizontal direction, as shown in the following graphic (Fig. 27):


Fig. 27 Permissible moves for a knight

Model formulation

To represent the chessboard we number the cells from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of cells of the board. The path of the knight is defined by N variables pos_i that indicate the ith position of the knight on its tour. The first variable is fixed to zero as the start of the tour. Another obvious constraint we need to state is that all variables pos_i take different values (every cell of the chessboard is visited exactly once):

& \text{all-different}(pos_1, ..., pos_N)\\

We are now left with the necessity to establish a constraint relation that checks whether consecutive positions define a valid knight move. To this aim we define a new binary constraint valid_knight_move that checks whether a given pair of values defines a permissible move according to the chess rules for knight moves. Vertically and horizontally, the two values must be no more than two cells apart and the sum of the vertical and horizontal difference must be equal to three. The complete model then looks as follows.

&\forall i \in PATH = \{0, ..., N-1\} \\
&pos_1 = 0 \\
&\text{all-different}(pos_1, ..., pos_N)\\
&\forall i \in POS = \{1, ..., N-1\} : valid\_knight\_move(pos_i, pos_{i+1}) \\
&valid\_knight\_move(pos_N, pos_1) \\


Testing whether moving from position a to position b is a valid move for a knight figure can be done with the following function KnightMoveOk() :

bool KnightMoveOk(int a,int b,int S) {
    int xa,ya,xb,yb,delta_x,delta_y;
    xa = a / S;
    ya = a % S;
    xb = b / S;
    yb = b % S;
    delta_x = abs(xa-xb);
    delta_y = abs(ya-yb);
    return (delta_x<=2) && (delta_y<=2) && (delta_x+delta_y==3);

The following model defines the user constraint function valid KnightMoveOk as the implementation of the new binary constraints on pairs of move_p variables (the constraints are established with KACBinTableConstraint).

// Number of rows/columns
int S = 8;
// Total number of cells
int  N = S * S;

// Cell at position p in the tour
KIntVarArray pos;

// Creation of the problem in this session
KProblem problem(session,"Euler Knight");
// variables creation
char name[80];
int j,i;
for (j=0;j<N;j++) {
    pos += (* new KIntVar( problem,name,0,N-1) );
// Fix the start position

// Each cell is visited once KAllDifferent("alldiff",pos,KAllDifferent::GENERALIZED_ARC_CONSISTENCY));

// The path of the knight obeys the chess rules for valid knight moves
bool ** tab;
tab = new bool*[N];
int v1,v2;
for (v1=0;v1<N;v1++) {
    tab[v1] = new bool[N];
for (v1=0;v1<N;v1++) {
    for (v2=0;v2<N;v2++) {
        tab[v1][v2] = KnightMoveOk(v1,v2,S);
for (i=0;i<N-1;i++) {  [i],pos[i+1],tab,KACBinTableConstraint::ALGORITHM_AC2001,"KnightMove"));
// the Knight must return to its first position[N-1],pos[0],tab,KACBinTableConstraint::ALGORITHM_AC2001,"KnightMove"));

// Setting enumeration parameters
KBranchingSchemeArray myBa;
myBa += KProbe(KSmallestMin(),KMaxToMin(),pos,14);

// Solve the problem
// creation of the solver
KSolver solver(problem,myBa);

// propagating problem
if (problem.propagate()) {
    printf("Problem is infeasible\n");

int result = solver.solve();
// solution printing
KSolution * sol = &problem.getSolution();
// print solution resume
for (j=0;j<N;j++) {
    printf("%i -> ",sol->getValue(pos[j]));

The branching scheme used in this model is the KProbe heuristic, in combination with the variable selection KSmallestMin (choose variable with smallest lower bound) and the value selection criterion KMaxToMin (from largest to smallest domain value). Our model defines one parameter. It is thus possible to change the size of the chessboard (S) when executing the model without having to modify the model source.


The first solution printed out by our model is the following tour:

0 & \rightarrow 17 \rightarrow 34 \rightarrow 51 \rightarrow 36 \rightarrow 30 \rightarrow 47 \rightarrow 62 \rightarrow 45 \rightarrow 39 \\
& \rightarrow 54 \rightarrow 60 \rightarrow 43 \rightarrow 33 \rightarrow 48 \rightarrow 58 \rightarrow 52 \rightarrow 35 \rightarrow 41 \\
& \rightarrow 56 \rightarrow 50 \rightarrow 44 \rightarrow 38 \rightarrow 55 \rightarrow 61 \rightarrow 46 \rightarrow 63 \rightarrow 53 \\
& \rightarrow 59 \rightarrow 49 \rightarrow 32 \rightarrow 42 \rightarrow 57 \rightarrow 40 \rightarrow 25 \rightarrow 8 \rightarrow 2 \\
& \rightarrow 19 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 14 \rightarrow 31 \rightarrow 37 \rightarrow 22 \rightarrow 7 \rightarrow 13 \rightarrow 28 \\
& \rightarrow 18 \rightarrow 24 \rightarrow 9 \rightarrow 3 \rightarrow 20 \rightarrow 26 \rightarrow 16 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 11 \\
& \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 15 \rightarrow 21 \rightarrow 6 \rightarrow 23 \rightarrow 29 \rightarrow 12 \rightarrow 27 \rightarrow 10 \\
& \rightarrow 0 \\

Alternative implementation

Whereas the aim of the model above is to give an example of the definition of user constraints, it is possible to implement this problem in a more efficient way using the model developed for the previous cyclic scheduling problem. The set of successors (domains of variables succ_p) can be calculated using the same algorithm that we have used above in the implementation of the user-defined binary constraints. Without repeating the complete model definition at this place, we simply display the model formulation, including the calculation of the sets of possible successors (procedure calculate_successors, and the modified procedure print_sol for solution printout). We use a simpler version of the cycle constraints than the one we have seen in previous section, its only argument is the set of successor variables as there are no weights to the arcs in this problem.

// Total number of cells
int  N = S * S;

// Cell at position p in the tour
KIntVarArray succ;

// Creation of the problem in this session
KProblem problem(session,"Euler Knight 2");
// variables creation
char name[80];
int j,i;
for (j=0;j<N;j++) {
    succ += (* new KIntVar( problem,name,0,N-1) );

// Calculate set of possible successors
for (j=0;j<N;j++) {
    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
        if (!KnightMoveOk(j,i,S)) {
            // i is not a possible successor for j
// Each cell is visited once, no subtours KCycle(&succ,NULL,NULL,NULL));
// Solve the problem
// creation of the solver
KSolver solver(problem);

// propagating problem
if (problem.propagate()) {
    printf("Problem is infeasible\n");

int result = solver.solve();
// solution printing
KSolution * sol = &problem.getSolution();
// print solution resume

int thispos=0;
int nextpos=sol->getValue(succ[0]);
while (nextpos!=0) {
    printf("%i -> ",thispos);


The calculation of the domains for the succ_p variables reduces these to 2-8 elements (as compared to the N=64 values for every pos_p variables), which clearly reduces the search space for this problem. This second model finds the first solution to the problem after 131 nodes taking just a fraction of a second to execute on a standard PC whereas the first model requires several thousand nodes and considerably longer running times. It is possible to reduce the number of branch-and-bound nodes even further by using yet another version of the cycle constraint that works with successor and predecessor variables. This version of cycle performs a larger amount of propagation, at the expense of (slightly) slower execution times for our problem when S < 8. For S > 8, the computation expense due to the stronger propagation pays. This compromise strength of propagation / nodes explored is typical of hard combinatorial problems where the need of stronger propagation arise for a certain size of the problem. Below this size, a simpler but faster propagation is the best choice. Above this size, the stronger propagation scheme gives the best results and is sometime necessary to find solution in a reasonnable time. As the limit of size for this behavior is problem dependent, the user is therefore encouraged to try both algorithms.


Fig. 28 Graphical representation of a knight’s tour with on a 24x24 chessboard