Python API Reference





Exception class thrown by the Artelys Kalis library.


Utility class for text console managment


A contradiction is a c++ exception thrown whenever kalis deduce that the problem is inconsistent (i.e it has no solution)


This class implements a generic class for propagation of any binary constraint by local 2-consistency (arc consistency) Two algorithms (AC3 and AC2001) are available for propagation of the constraint.


This class implements a generic class for propagation of any binary constraint by local 2-consistency (arc consistency).


This class creates a X = abs(Y) constraint


An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use an absolute difference criteria.


This class creates a X1 <> X2 <> .


Assign And Forbid branching scheme


AssignVar Branching scheme


This class represents an auxiliary variable to use in relaxations.


Value selector that selects the value of a variable that implies the best bound for the objective.


This class represent an expression of the form X (+ , -) Y + cste where X and Y are variables and cste an integer constant.


Abstract class defining branching schemes.


This class implements an array of KBranchingScheme


A branching scheme group represents a list of branching schemes to use nested branching schemes.


List of brancing scheme group.


Selection object to choose among a list of branching scheme group.


A nested branching scheme.


Linear relaxation solver for Clp


This linear relaxation solver relies on CoinMP to solve the LP/MIP problem.

KConditionNumLinComb(*args, **kwargs)

Conditionnal numeric linear combination constraint.


This class creates a Binary conjunction on two constraints C1 and C2.


This class is an abstract interface for all constraints in Artelys Kalis


This class implements an array of KConstraint


This constraint states that some tasks requiring a resource do not exceed the resource capacity.


A time-dependant resource usage constraint.


The cycle constraint ensures that the graph implicitly represented by a set of variables and their domain contains no sub-tours (tour visiting a partial number of nodes).


Discrete resource


This class creates a Binary disjunction on two constraints C1 or C2


This class implements an array of KDisjunction


This class implements a disjunction selector that selects the disjunction in the input order.


This class implements a disjunction selector that selects first the disjunction ith the highest priority


Abstract interface class for disjunction selection heuristic Since: 2016.1


This class creates a abs(X-Y) == C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) >= C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) <= C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) != C constraint


This class implements an array of doubles


This class creates a x == tab[i + cste] constraint


This class creates a X == Tab[I + cste1][J + cste2] constraint


This class represent an expression of type Tab[I] where Tab is an array of integer value and I is the indexing variable


This class represent an expression of type Tab[I+a][J+b] where Tab is an array of integer value; I,J are the indexing variable and a and b indexing offsets


This class creates a X == C constraint.


This class creates a X == Y + C constraint.


This class creates an Equivalence on two constraints C1 <==> C2.


This class implements a variable with continuous real valued domain.


This branching scheme is suited for branching on KFloatVar objects.


Float variable selector


This class implements a generic class for propagation of any nary constraint by forward checking/arc consistency or generalized arc consistency


This class implements a generic class for propagation of any n-ary constraint by generalized arc consistency


This class implements a Global Cardinality Constraint.


This class creates a X >= C constraint.


This class creates a X >= Y + C constraint


This class creates an implication on two constraints C1 ==> C2


This class represents a solution of a relaxation solver, that is, a mapping from variables (KNumVar and/or KAuxVar) to their value.


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable in the input order.


This class implements an array of integers


This class implements an matrix of integers


This class implements an integer variable with enumerated (finite) domain.


This class implements an array of KIntVar with enumerated (finite) domains


Abstract class for Branching scheme.

KIntVarMatrix(problem, N, M, lowerBound, …)

This class implements an matrix of KIntVar


An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with integer objective only.


Branching scheme for splitting float variables into a set of intervals.


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest domain.


Largest domain duration task selection heuristic


Largest Earliest Completion time task selection heuristic


Largest Earliest Start time task selection heuristic


Largest Latest Completion time task selection heuristic


Largest Latest Start time task selection heuristic


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the largest upperbound in its domain.


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the largest lower bound.


This variable selector selects the variable with biggest reduced cost in current LP solution of the provided linear relaxation solver.


This class creates a X <= C constraint.


This class creates a Sum(ai.Xi) { <= , != , == } C constraint


This class represents a linear relation (equality or inequality) between variables.


This class represent a linear term of the form Sum(coeffs[i].lvars[i]) + cst


This class represents a linear relaxation of a domain.

KLinearRelaxationSolver(*args, **kwargs)

This class is intended as a superclass for linear relaxation solvers.


This class creates a vMax = max(X1,X2,…,Xn) constraint


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable involved in the maximum number of constraints.


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with maximum regret on its lowerbound.


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with maximum regret on its upperbound.


This class implements a value selector that returns values in decreasing order.


This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from the middle value in the domain of the variable.


This class creates a vMin = min(X1,X2,…,Xn) constraint


Value selector that selects the value of a variable that implies the best problem size reduction when instantiated.


This class implements a value selector that returns values in increasing order.


This variable selector selects the variable with biggest fractional part in the current solution held by the provided linear relaxation solver.


A nearest neighboor branching scheme based on a distance matrix.


This value selector chooses the value closest to the relaxed solution contained in the provided solver.


This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from target in the domain of the variable.


This class represent a non linear term.


This class creates a X != C constraint


This class creates a X <> Y + C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) == C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) >= C constraint


This class creates a abs(X-Y) <= C constraint


This class creates a X == Y + Z constraint


This class creates a X == Y + C constraint


This class creates a X == C constraint


This class creates a X >= C constraint


This class creates a X >= Y + C constraint


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable in the input order.


This variable selector selects the variable with biggest reduced cost in current LP solution of the provided linear relaxation solver.


This class creates a X <= C constraint


This class creates a Sum(ai.Xi) { <= , != , == } C constraint


This class creates a X <= Y + C constraint


This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from the middle value in the domain of the variable.


This value selector chooses the value closest to the relaxed solution contained in the provided solver.


This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from target in the domain of the variable .


This class represents a constraint to propagate any non linear constraint of the form KNonLinearTerm COMPARATOR KNonLinearTerm.

KNumObjectiveOptimalityChecker(maximize, …)

An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use both a relative and absolute difference criteria.


Smallest domain variable selector


Abstract interface class for value selection heuristic See also: KMaxToMin KMinToMax KMiddle KRandomValue KNearestValue


Superclass of decision variables


This class implements an array of KNumVar.


Abstract interface class for variable selection heuristic.


This class creates a X = |Y| constraint


This class creates a X = atan2(Y, Z) constraint. Atan2(Y, Z) is defined as follow : - atan(Y/Z) if Z > 0 - atan(Y/Z) + PI if Z < 0 and Y >= 0 - atan(Y/Z) - PI if Z < 0 and Y < 0 - (+ PI / 2) if Z = 0 and Y > 0 - (- PI / 2) if Z = 0 and Y < 0 - undefined if Z = 0 and Y = 0.


This class creates a X = ln(Y) constraint


This class creates a X = Y ^ C constraint


This class creates a X = Y^2 constraint


This class creates a X = Y * C constraint


This class creates a X == Y * Z constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} acos(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} asin(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} atan(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} cos(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} exp(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} ln(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} sin(Y) constraint


This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} tan(Y) constraint


This class represent an expression of type occur(target,lvars) where target is the value for wich we want to restrict the number of occurence(s) in the lVars array of variables.


This class creates an occurence constraint of a value in a list of variables

KOptimalityToleranceChecker(*args, **kwargs)

This interface sets a framework for objects providing method to check if the current solution is close enough to the optimum, and, if not, to give a new bound to set on the objective variable.




Parallel branching scheme



A variable selector based on a path order.


Probe branching scheme


ProbeDisjunction branching scheme


Constraint satisfaction and optimization problems include variables, constraints ( modeling entities ) and might have solutions after search.


This class implements a value selector that selects a value at random in the domain of the variable.


This class implements a variable selector that selects an uninstantiated variable at random.

KRelation(*args, **kwargs)

A relation term between an expression and constants.


An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use a relative difference criteria.

KRelaxationSolver(*args, **kwargs)

This class is intended as a superclass for linear relaxation solvers.


Resources (machines, raw material etc) can be of two different types :


This class implements an array of KResource


Resource selection heuristic


A KResourceUsage object can be used to describe the a specific usage of a given resource.


Utility container for storing a list of KResourceUsage

KSchedule(p, name, timeMin, timeMax)

Scheduling and planning problems are concerned with determining a plan for the execution of a given set of tasks.


Nothing can be done in Artelys Kalis outside a KSession object.


KSettleDisjunction branching scheme


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the smallest ratio domain size / degree in the constraint graph.


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest domain.


Smallest Earliest Completion time task selection heuristic


Smallest Earliest Start time task selection heuristic


Smallest Latest Completion time task selection heuristic


Smallest Latest Start time task selection heuristic


This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the smallest upperbound.


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest value in its domain.


Smallest Target Start time task selection heuristic


This class represents a solution of a KProblem.


An array of KSolution objects


This class represent a pool of solution of a KProblem.


KSolver is the main class for solving problems defined in a KProblem instance.


Callbacks for a KSolver events.


SplitDomain Branching scheme


SplitDomain Branching scheme


Tasks (processing operations, activities) are represented by the class KTask. This object contains three variables :


This class implements an array of KTask


Tasks input order selection heuristic


Tasks random order selection heuristic


Abstract interface class for task selection heuristic A custom scheduling optimization strategy can be specified by using the KTaskSerializer branching scheme to select the task to be scheduled and value choice heuristics for its start and duration variables.


Task-based branching strategy


Constraint linking tasks and rank variables for unary scheduling.


Superclass of KUnTerm and KBinTerm


Timetable object for time-dependant resource usage constraint.


This class implements an array of tuples of fixed arity


This class represent an expression of the form X + cste where X is a variable


Unary Resource


This constraint states that some tasks are not overlapping chronologically.


Abstract interface class for definition of user constraints


The KUserNumConstraint is the generic counterpart to the KUserConstraint for implementing user constraints when using numeric variables.


Abstract interface class for value selection heuristic


Abstract interface class for variable selection heuristic


This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the widest domain.


This class creates a X == Y - Z constraint


This linear relaxation solver relies on XPress Optimizer to solve the LP/MIP problem.


A Matrix template

class kalis.ArtelysException(*args)

Bases: object

Exception class thrown by the Artelys Kalis library.

Example :

try {
    new KSession();
    // Model and solve here
} catch (ArtelysException &artelysException) {
    std::cerr << "An exception occured : " << artelysException.getMessage() << std::endl;

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.Console

Bases: object

Utility class for text console managment



Clear the screen


return the default console text attributes


return current X cursor position


return current Y cursor position

gotoxy(x, y)

position the cursor to (x,y) coordinates


restore the default console text attributes


set the Background color of printed text


set the color of the printed text (background and foreground)


set the Foreground color of printed text


Clear the screen

getConsoleTextAttributes()unsigned int

return the default console text attributes


return current X cursor position


return current Y cursor position

gotoxy(x: int, y: int)void

position the cursor to (x,y) coordinates


restore the default console text attributes

setBackgroundColor(col: char)void

set the Background color of printed text

setColor(col: unsigned int)void

set the color of the printed text (background and foreground)

setForegroundColor(col: char)void

set the Foreground color of printed text

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.Contradiction

Bases: object

A contradiction is a c++ exception thrown whenever kalis deduce that the problem is inconsistent (i.e it has no solution)

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KACBinConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class implements a generic class for propagation of any binary constraint by local 2-consistency (arc consistency) Two algorithms (AC3 and AC2001) are available for propagation of the constraint.

Example : X == Y + C

class XEqualYC : public KACBinConstraint {
  int _C;
   XEqualYC(const char* name, KIntVar& v1, KIntVar& v2, int cst)
        : KACBinConstraint(v1, v2, KACBinConstraint::ALGORITHM_AC2001, "XEqualYC") {
      _C = cst;
   virtual bool testIfSatisfied(int valX, int valY) {
      return (valX == valY + _C);     // the constraint is true if only iff valX == valY + C

See also: KACBinTableConstraint KConstraint

Since: 2016.1



Virtual copy method.

testIfSatisfied(val1, val2)

Abstract interface for generic propagation of any binary constraint

getInstanceCopyPtr(problem: KProblem)KACBinConstraint *

Virtual copy method. Each modeling elements stored (and used) in the binary constraint must be copied using the KProblem::getCopyPtr() method.

testIfSatisfied(val1: int, val2: int)bool

Abstract interface for generic propagation of any binary constraint

Return type



true if and only if the constraint is satisfied when v1 == val1 & v2 == val2

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KACBinTableConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class implements a generic class for propagation of any binary constraint by local 2-consistency (arc consistency). Two algorithms (AC3 and AC2001) are available for propagation of the constraint.

// Example : X == Y + 1
KProblem p(...);
KIntVar X(p,"X",0,4);
KIntVar Y(p,"Y",0,4);

// truth table of constraint X == Y + 1 for X in [0..4] and Y in [0..4]

//   |0|1|2|3|4|
// -------------
// 0 |0|1|0|0|0|
// 1 |0|0|1|0|0|
// 2 |0|0|0|1|0|
// 3 |0|0|0|0|1|
// 4 |0|0|0|0|0|
// -------------

bool ** truthTable;
truthTable = new bool*[X.getSup()];
for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
   truthTable[i] = new bool[Y.getSup()];
   std::memset(truthTable[i],false,Y.getSup() * sizeof(bool));
truthTable[1][0] = true; // if X = 1 and Y = 0 then X == Y + 1 is satisfied
truthTable[2][1] = true; // if X = 2 and Y = 1 then X == Y + 1 is satisfied
truthTable[3][2] = true; // if X = 3 and Y = 2 then X == Y + 1 is satisfied
truthTable[4][3] = true; // if X = 4 and Y = 3 then X == Y + 1 is satisfied,Y,truthTable,KACBinTableConstraint::ALGORITHM_AC2001,"X == Y + 1"))

See also: KACBinConstraint KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAbs(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = abs(Y) constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAbsoluteToleranceOptimalityChecker(maximize: bool, tolerance: double)

Bases: kalis.KOptimalityToleranceChecker

An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use an absolute difference criteria.


isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj, bestBound)

Check for the optimality tolearance


Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution.

isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj: double, bestBound: double)bool

Check for the optimality tolearance

  • bestSolutionObj (float) –

  • bestBound (float) –

Return type



true is the best solution is close enough - for some criteria - to the optimum

nextBoundToTry(bestSolutionObj: double)double

Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution. This prevent from storing too many solutions which are very similar.


bestSolutionObj (float) – the best objective value of already found solutions.

Return type



a bound to set on the objective.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAllDifferent(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X1 <> X2 <> … <> Xn constraint

Example :

KIntVarArray X(...);
// ...
// Strong propagation"allDiff(X)",X,KAllDifferent::GENERALIZED_ARC_CONSISTENCY));
// Weak propagation"allDiff(X)",X,KAllDifferent::FORWARD_CHECKING));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAssignAndForbid(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Assign And Forbid branching scheme

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignAndForbid(KSmallestDomain(),KMaxToMin());

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAssignVar(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

AssignVar Branching scheme


KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(), KMaxToMin());

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KAuxVar(*args)

Bases: object

This class represents an auxiliary variable to use in relaxations.

KAuxVar objects represent auxiliary variables, consisting of a name, lower and upper bounds, and a type that is either “global” or “continuous”. They are intended to be used in relaxations, as new variables that are not needed in the CP problem but that can be necessary in the LP/MIP formulation.

Example (creation of a boolean auxiliary variable) :

KAuxVar auxVar(0, 1, true, "bool aux var");

Since: 2016.1



get the lower bound


set both bounds


Get the name of this auxiliary variable


get the upper bound


check variable type

setInf(inf[, chain])

set the lower bound.

setSup(sup[, chain])

set the upper bound.


get the lower bound

getInternalObject()KAuxVar_I *
set both bounds
param inf

new value

param chain

if this flag is set, Kalis attempts to chain the change in the auxiliary variable to the “real” variables (KIntVar and KFloatVar). Useful only for KAuxVar automatically generated by Kalis, such as indicator auxiliary variables.




true iff the variable was not already instantiated to val

getName()char const *

Get the name of this auxiliary variable


get the upper bound


check variable type

setInf(inf: double, chain: bool = True)bool
set the lower bound.
type inf


param inf

new lower bound

type chain

boolean, optional

param chain

if this flag is set, Kalis attempts to chain the change in the lower bound of the auxiliary variable to the “real” variables (KIntVar and KFloatVar). Useful only for KAuxVar automatically generated by Kalis, such as indicator auxiliary variables.




a flag indicating if the domain was reduced

setSup(sup: double, chain: bool = True)bool
set the upper bound.
param inf

new upper bound

type chain

boolean, optional

param chain

if this flag is set, Kalis attempts to chain the change in the upper bound of the auxiliary variable to the “real” variables (KIntVar and KFloatVar). Useful only for KAuxVar automatically generated by Kalis, such as indicator auxiliary variables.




a flag indicating if the domain was reduced

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBestBoundValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

Value selector that selects the value of a variable that implies the best bound for the objective.

For each possible value in the domain of a given variable, the variable is instantiated on this value and the propagation is launched. The selected value will be the value that impacted the objective in the best way.

If the lower bound is used, the best value will be the value that induces the minimal lower bound on the objective. If the upper bound is used, the best value will be the value that induces the maximal upper bound on the objective.



Return an allocated copy of the selector


Selects the next objective best bound value for the given variable.

getCopyPtr()KValueSelector *

Return an allocated copy of the selector

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Selects the next objective best bound value for the given variable.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBinTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent an expression of the form X (+ , -) Y + cste where X and Y are variables and cste an integer constant.

See also: KUnTerm KLinTerm

Since: 2016.1



return true if the sign of the first variable is positive


return true if the sign of the second variable is positive


return a pointer to the first variable


return a pointer to the second variable


return true if the sign of the first variable is positive


return true if the sign of the second variable is positive

getV1()KNumVar *

return a pointer to the first variable

getV2()KNumVar *

return a pointer to the second variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingScheme(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract class defining branching schemes. Search is made thanks to a tree search algorithm. At each node, propagation is made and if no solution exists, Artelys Kalis needs to split your problem in smaller subproblems covering (or not) all the initial problem. This partition is made following a branching scheme.

Different types of branching schemes exist. For example, a classical way is to choose a variable which has not been instantiated so far and to build a sub-problem for each remaining value in the variable’s domains, this sub-problem being the original problem where the variable has been instantiated to this value. And then, you can continue the search with these new nodes.

Choosing the right branching schemes to be used with your particular problem could greatly improve the performance of the tree search. Artelys Kalis allows you to choose between many classical branching schemes provided with the library and to easily program yourself the more specialized branching schemes that you suppose to be useful for your own problems.

See also: KAssignAndForbid KSplitDomain KSettleDisjunction KProbe

Since: 2016.1



Return the name of the branching scheme


Return the current problem


Pretty printing of the branching scheme

getName()char const *

Return the name of the branching scheme

getProblem()KProblem *

Return the current problem


Pretty printing of the branching scheme

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingSchemeArray

Bases: kalis.branchingschemearray

This class implements an array of KBranchingScheme

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myStrategy;

// First solve all the disjunctions in the problem
myStrategy += KSettleDisjunction();
// then assign each remaining non bound variable by assigning values in
// decreasing order to variables ordered by increasing size of domain
myStrategy += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(),KMaxToMin());

See also: KBranchingScheme KValueSelector KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingSchemeGroup(*args)

Bases: object

A branching scheme group represents a list of branching schemes to use nested branching schemes.

See also: KBranchingSchemeGroupSerializer KBranchingSchemeGroupArray

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingSchemeGroupArray

Bases: kalis.bsgrouplist

List of brancing scheme group.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingSchemeGroupSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Selection object to choose among a list of branching scheme group.

See also: KBranchingSchemeGroup KBranchingSchemeGroupSerializer KBranchingSchemeGroupArray

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KBranchingSchemeGroupSerializer(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

A nested branching scheme.

From a list of branching scheme groups, this brancing scheme apply iteratively each group.

The default group selector uses input order.

See also: KTaskSerializer KBranchingSchemeGroup KBranchingSchemeGroupSelector



Get a copy pointer

getCopyPtr()KBranchingScheme *

Get a copy pointer

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KClpLinearRelaxationSolver(*args)

Bases: kalis.KLinearRelaxationSolver

Linear relaxation solver for Clp



Print the internal state of the solver.


Cut generation


Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.


Get the (lower for minimization, upper for maximization) bound computed by solve().


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Get the number of global variables.


Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver.


Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Print variables name and their rank.


Set objective variable.


Activate or deactivate presolve.


Call the solver.


Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


Write the current problem to a file in lp format.


Print the internal state of the solver. Use is discouraged, use method writeLP to output the content of the solver.

generateCuts(arg2: KLinearRelaxation)void

Cut generation

Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.

Useful if search terminated before optimality.


Get the (lower for minimization, upper for maximization) bound computed by solve().

Note that :
  • solve() method must be called before the getBound() method

  • moreover, the return code provided by solve() must be checked before using the value returned by getBound().

Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current LP solution for a KAuxVar variable. :type var: KAuxVar :param var: variable whose value is checked


Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current MIP solution for a KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked


Get the number of global variables.

getSolutionPtr()KHybridSolution *

Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver. Method updateSolution must be used before the call.

instantiateNumVarToCurrentSol(var: KNumVar)void

Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Print variables name and their rank.

This is useful to recover the meaning of the columns in the LP file produced by writeLP.

setObjective(var: KNumVar)void
Set objective variable.
type var


param var

the new objective variable

setPresolve(arg2: bool)void

Activate or deactivate presolve.

Call the solver.

Call (Clp solver) and return an error code (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver for its meaning).

property thisown

The membership flag

updateSolution(MIPflag: bool)void

Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


MIPflag (boolean) – true to get the current MIP solution, false for LP.

writeLP(filename: char const *)int

Write the current problem to a file in lp format.

class kalis.KCoinLinearRelaxationSolver(*args)

Bases: kalis.KLinearRelaxationSolver

This linear relaxation solver relies on CoinMP to solve the LP/MIP problem.


KProblem myProblem(mySession,"");
// ...
KLinearRelaxation * relax = myProblem.getLinearRelaxation();
KCoinLinearRelaxationSolver mySolver(*relax, objectiveVar, KProblem::Minimize);

You must have the coinMP.lib and coinMP.dll to use this.

Since: 2016.1



Print the internal state of the solver.


Generate cuts.


Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.


Get the bound computed by the solver (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver).


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Get the number of global variables.


Overload 1:


Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver.


Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Print the current solution.


Print variables name and their rank.


Set MIPRELSTOP double control.


Set objective variable.


Activate or deactivate presolve.


Call the solver.


Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


Write the current problem to a file in lp format.


Print the internal state of the solver.

Use is discouraged, use method writeLP to output the content of the solver.

generateCuts(relaxation: KLinearRelaxation)void

Generate cuts.

If possible, cuts are added to the matrix of constraints to make the relaxation tighter and improve the bound.


Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.

Useful if search terminated before optimality.


Get the bound computed by the solver (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver).


Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current LP solution for a KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current MIP solution for a KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked


Get the number of global variables.


Overload 1:

Get reduced costs. Note that LP solve is must be complete.


var (KNumVar) – the variable whose reduced cost in the current LP solution is retrieved

Return type



reduced cost value

Overload 2:

Get reduced costs. Note that LP solve must be complete.


var (KAuxVar) – the variable whose reduced cost in the current LP solution is retrieved

Return type



reduced cost value

getSolutionPtr()KHybridSolution *

Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver.

Method updateSolution() must be used before the call.

instantiateNumVarToCurrentSol(var: KNumVar)void

Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver

printSolution(MIPflag: bool)void

Print the current solution.


MIPflag (boolean) – to choose whether to print the current MIP solution or the current LP solution


Print variables name and their rank.

This is useful to recover the meaning of the columns in the LP file produced by writeLP().

setMipRelStop(arg2: double)void

Set MIPRELSTOP double control.

setObjective(var: KNumVar)void

Set objective variable.


var (KNumVar) – the new objective variable

setPresolve(arg2: bool)void

Activate or deactivate presolve.


Call the solver.

Call (CoinMP) and return an error code (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver for its meaning).

property thisown

The membership flag

updateSolution(MIPflag: bool)void

Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


MIPflag (boolean) – true to get the current MIP solution, false for LP.

writeLP(filename: char const *)int

Write the current problem to a file in lp format.

class kalis.KConditionNumLinComb(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

Conditionnal numeric linear combination constraint.

This constraint can be represented as a linear combination Sum(a_i * X_i * f(X_i)) { <= , != , == } C where the function f(X_i) is an indicator (1 or 0) function to specify.



Method to overload for indicator function

conditionTest(varIndex: int)int

Method to overload for indicator function

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KConjunction(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a Binary conjunction on two constraints C1 and C2.

Example :

// C1     C2       C1 /\ C2
// ------------------------
// false  false    false
// false  true     false
// true   false    false
// true   true     true

KIntVar START0(...);
KIntVar START1(...);

// ... + 10 < 4 && START1 + 10 > 10);
// or + 10 < 4,START1 + 10 > 10));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KConstraint(*args)

Bases: object

This class is an abstract interface for all constraints in Artelys Kalis

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KConstraintArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.constraintlist

This class implements an array of KConstraint

Example :

KIntVarArray TAB(...)
KIntVar X(...)
KIntVar Y(...)
KIntVar Z(...)
KConstraintArray constraintArray;

constraintArray += KAllDifferent("alldiff(TAB)",TAB);
constraintArray += X == Y + 2:
constraintArray += (Y < 6) || (Z + 4 == X)s

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KCumulativeResourceConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This constraint states that some tasks requiring a resource do not exceed the resource capacity. The primary use of this constraint is to express resource constraints.

Resources (machines, raw material etc) can be of two different types:
  • Disjunctive when the resource can process only one task at a time (represented by the class KUnaryResource).

  • Cumulative when the resource can process several tasks at the same time (represented by the class KDiscreteResource).

Traditional examples of disjunctive resources are Jobshop problems, cumulative resources are heavily used for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). Note that a disjunctive resource is semantically equivalent to a cumulative resource with maximal capacity one and unit resource usage for each task using this resource but this equivalence does not hold in terms of constraint propagation. The size of a task is its duration by its usage: use_i * dur_i = size_i.

The following schema shows an example with three tasks A,B and C executing on a disjunctive resource and on a cumulative resource with resource usage 3 for task A, 1 for task B and 1 for task C :

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KCumulativeResourceConstraintResourceUsage(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

A time-dependant resource usage constraint.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KCycle(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

The cycle constraint ensures that the graph implicitly represented by a set of variables and their domain contains no sub-tours (tour visiting a partial number of nodes). The constraint can take a second set of variables Preds, representing the inverse relation of the Succ function and ensure the following equivalences : succ(i) = j <==> pred(j) = i for all i and j. The third parameter of the cycle constraint allow to take into account an accumulated quantity along the tour such as distance, time or weight. More formally it ensure the following constraint : quantity = sum(i,j) M(i,j) for all edges i->j belonging to the tour.

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDiscreteResource(*args)

Bases: kalis.KResource

Discrete resource

A discrete resource can process several tasks at the same time.

The following schema shows an example with three tasks A,B and C executing on a disjunctive resource and on a cumulative resource with resource usage 3 for task A, 1 for task B and 1 for task C :

Tasks may require, provide, consume and produce resources :
  • A task requires a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the activity. The capacity is renewable which means that the required capacity is available after the end of the task.

  • A task provides a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task. The capacity is renewable which means that the provided capacity is available only during the execution of the task.

  • A task consumes a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the consumed capacity if no longer available at the end of the task.

  • A task produces a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the produced capacity is definitively available after the starting of the task.

ArcConsistency = 32

TimeTabling Arc Consistency

BoundConsistency = 16

TimeTabling Bound consistency

EdgeFinding = 4

Tasks Intervals + EdgeFinding propagation scheme

MaxAvailMinUsage = 8

Constrain and keep track of max availability,and minimum usage of the resource

TasksIntervals = 2

Tasks Intervals propagation scheme

TimeTabling = 1

TimeTabling propagation scheme

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDisjunction(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a Binary disjunction on two constraints C1 or C2

Example :

// C1     C2       C1 \/ C2
// ------------------------
// false  false    false
// false  true     true
// true   false    true
// true   true     true

KIntVar START(...);
... + 10 < 4 || START + 10 >= 4);
// or + 10 < 4,START + 10 >= 4));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1



Return the known status

setStatus(branchNumber, status)

Fix status of one part of the disjunction


Return the known status

Known status is true if status of disjunction is proven at current point of the branch and bound, false if unknown.

setStatus(branchNumber: int, status: bool)void

Fix status of one part of the disjunction

  • branchNumber (int) – 0 for c1, 1 for c2

  • status (boolean) – true if corresponding constraint must be true

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDisjunctionArray

Bases: kalis.disjunctionlist

This class implements an array of KDisjunction

Example :

KIntVar TASK0(...)
KIntVar TASK1(...)
KIntVar TASK2(...)
KDisjunctionArray disjunctionArray;

disjunctionArray += (TASK0 + 10 < TASK1) || (TASK1 + 4 < TASK0);
disjunctionArray += (TASK1 + 4 < TASK2) || (TASK2 + 7 < TASK1);
disjunctionArray += (TASK2 + 7 < TASK0) || (TASK0 + 10 < TASK2);

        KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
        myBranchingSchemeArray += KSettleDisjunction(disjunctionArray);

See also: ArtelysList KDisjunction KBranchingScheme KSettleDisjunction

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDisjunctionInputOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KDisjunctionSelector

This class implements a disjunction selector that selects the disjunction in the input order.

Example :

       KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
       myBranchingSchemeArray += KSettleDisjunction(new KDisjunctionInputOrder());

See also: KDisjunctionSelector Since: 2016.1



Return a copy of this object


Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

getCopyPtr()KDisjunctionSelector *

Return a copy of this object

selectNextDisjunction(disjunctionArray: KDisjunctionArray)KDisjunction *

Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDisjunctionPriorityOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KDisjunctionSelector

This class implements a disjunction selector that selects first the disjunction ith the highest priority

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KSettleDisjunction(new KDisjunctionPriorityOrder());

See also: KDisjunctionSelector

Since: 2016.1



Return a copy of this object


Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

getCopyPtr()KDisjunctionSelector *

Return a copy of this object

selectNextDisjunction(disjunctionArray: KDisjunctionArray)KDisjunction *

Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDisjunctionSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for disjunction selection heuristic Since: 2016.1



Return a copy of this object


Return the name of this disjunction selector


Print the name of this disjunction selector


Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

getCopyPtr()KDisjunctionSelector *

Return a copy of this object

getName()char const *

Return the name of this disjunction selector


Print the name of this disjunction selector

selectNextDisjunction(disjunctionArray: KDisjunctionArray)KDisjunction *

Virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own disjunction selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDistanceEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) == C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ...,Y,3)); // |X-Y| == 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDistanceGreaterThanXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) >= C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ...,Y,3)); // |X-Y| >= 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDistanceLowerThanXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) <= C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ...,Y,3));     // |X-Y| <= 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDistanceNotEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) != C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ...,Y,3));      // |X-Y| != 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KDoubleArray

Bases: kalis.doublelist

This class implements an array of doubles

Example :

KDoubleArray doubleArray;
doubleArray += 3.0;
doubleArray += 5.0;
// doubleArray = { 3.0 ,5.0 }
doubleArray[0] = 2.2;
// doubleArray = { 2.2 ,5.0 }

See also: KIntArray Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KElement(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a x == tab[i + cste] constraint

Example :

KIntArray tab(...);
KIntVar x(...);
KIntVar i(...);
// ...,i,x,4,"x == tab[i + 4]"));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KElement2D(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Tab[I + cste1][J + cste2] constraint

Example :

KIntArray Tab(...);
KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar I(...);
KIntVar J(...);
// ..., I, J, X, 4, 8, "X == Tab[I + 4][J+8]"));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1


getValueForIndex(index1, index2)

Get the value for I = index1 and J = index2


Choose value method between Table and method ‘getValueForIndex’

getValueForIndex(index1: int, index2: int)int

Get the value for I = index1 and J = index2

setUseValueFunction(useValueFunction: bool)void

Choose value method between Table and method ‘getValueForIndex’

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KEltTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent an expression of type Tab[I] where Tab is an array of integer value and I is the indexing variable

Example :

KProblem p(...);
KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar I(...);
KIntArray valuesArray(...);

KEltTerm eltTerm(valuesArray, I);

// posting the constraint X can take its values indexed by the I variable in the valuesArray == eltTerm);
// equivalent to == valuesArray[I]);

See also: KConstraint KElement

Since: 2016.1



return the index variable


return the array of values indexed by the index variable


return the user pointer

getIndexVar()KIntVar *

return the index variable

getLValues()KIntArray *

return the array of values indexed by the index variable

getUserPointer()void *

return the user pointer

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KEltTerm2D(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent an expression of type Tab[I+a][J+b] where Tab is an array of integer value; I,J are the indexing variable and a and b indexing offsets

Example :

KProblem p(...);
KIntVar X(...);
       KIntVar I(...);
       KIntVar J(...);
       KIntArray valuesArray(...);

       KEltTerm2D eltTerm(valuesArray,I,J);

       // posting the constraint X can take its values indexed by the I variable in the valuesArray == eltTerm);
       // equivalent to == valuesArray[I]);

See also: KConstraint KElement

Since: 2016.1



return the index variable in dimension one


return the array of values indexed by the index variable


return the index variable in dimension two

getFirstIndexVar()KIntVar *

return the index variable in dimension one

getLValues()KIntMatrix *

return the array of values indexed by the index variable

getSecondIndexVar()KIntVar *

return the index variable in dimension two

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == C constraint.

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
// ... == 5);
// or,5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Y + C constraint.

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ... == Y + 5);
// or,Y,5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KEquiv(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates an Equivalence on two constraints C1 <==> C2.

Example :

// C1     C2       C1 <==> C2
// --------------------------
// false  false    true
// false  true     false
// true   false    false
// true   true     true

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
KIntVar Z(...); KEquiv( X <= Y + 3 , Z > 4 )  );

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KFloatVar(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVar

This class implements a variable with continuous real valued domain. Conceptually the continuous variables can be represented the following way :


KProblem  p(...);

 // X is a continuous variable that can take real value between interval [0..10]
        KFloatVar X(p,"X",0,10);

See also: KNumVarArray KFloatVarArray Since: 2016.1



check if value is in the domain


Overload 1: pretty printing of the variable


Return a copy of this object


returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


returns current domain size of the variable


returns lower bound of this variable


returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwhise


returns value in variable’s domain and close to the middle


get a random value in the domain of the variable


returns upper bound of this variable


get target value


returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar


Instantiate the variable to value


check if equal to x


optimize the internal representation of the domain


set the lower bound to value


Set the name of the variable


Set the precision relativity (true for relative precision and false for absolute precision


set the upper bound to value


set the target value


shave lower bound of variable


shave upper bound of variable


shave the value ‘val’


activate shaving Y/N

canBeInstantiatedTo(value: int)bool

check if value is in the domain


Overload 1: pretty printing of the variable

Overload 2: pretty printing of the variable

getCopyPtr()KFloatVar *

Return a copy of this object


returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


returns current domain size of the variable


returns lower bound of this variable


returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwhise


returns value in variable’s domain and close to the middle


get a random value in the domain of the variable


returns upper bound of this variable


get target value


returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar

instantiate(value: double const)void

Instantiate the variable to value

isEqualTo(x: kalis.KFloatVar)bool

check if equal to x


optimize the internal representation of the domain

setInf(value: double)void

set the lower bound to value

setName(name: char const *)void

Set the name of the variable

setPrecisionRelativity(relativity: bool)void

Set the precision relativity (true for relative precision and false for absolute precision

setSup(value: double)void

set the upper bound to value

setTarget(value: double)void

set the target value


shave lower bound of variable


shave upper bound of variable

shaveOnValue(val: int)bool

shave the value ‘val’

property thisown

The membership flag

useShaving(use: bool)void

activate shaving Y/N

class kalis.KFloatVarBranchingScheme(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

This branching scheme is suited for branching on KFloatVar objects.

See also: KBranchingScheme KIntVarBranchingScheme KAssignAndForbidd KSplitDomain KSettleDisjunction KProbe

Since: 2016.1


finishedBranching(branchingObject, …)

Return true IFF branching is completed on one specific branch of the branch and bound


This method is called upon finishing branching for the current node and allows freeing objects created at the current node

getNextBranch(branchingObject, …)

Return the next branch


Problem getter

goDownBranch(branchingObject, …)

This method is called once a branch has been selected and a decision must be taken

goUpBranch(branchingObject, …)

This method is called upon backtrack on a specific branch


Select the next KNumVar to branch on when one branch has been explored

finishedBranching(branchingObject: KNumVar, branchingInformation: double *, currentBranchNumber: int)bool

Return true IFF branching is completed on one specific branch of the branch and bound

  • branchingObject (KNumVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (float) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

freeAllocatedObjectsForBranching(branchingObject: KNumVar, branchingInformation: double *)void

This method is called upon finishing branching for the current node and allows freeing objects created at the current node

  • branchingObject (KNumVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (float) – the branching information

getNextBranch(branchingObject: KNumVar, branchingInformation: double *, currentBranchNumber: int)double *

Return the next branch

  • branchingObject (KNumVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (float) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

getProblem()KProblem *

Problem getter

goDownBranch(branchingObject: KNumVar, branchingInformation: double *, currentBranchNumber: int)void

This method is called once a branch has been selected and a decision must be taken

  • branchingObject (KNumVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (float) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

goUpBranch(branchingObject: KNumVar, branchingInformation: double *, currentBranchNumber: int)void

This method is called upon backtrack on a specific branch

  • branchingObject (KNumVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (float) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

selectNextBranchingVar()KNumVar *

Select the next KNumVar to branch on when one branch has been explored

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KFloatVarSelector(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

Float variable selector

See also: KVariableSelector


selectNextVariable(floatVarArray, gap)

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :type intVarArray: KIntVarArray :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

selectNextVariable(floatVarArray: KNumVarArray, gap: double)KFloatVar *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :type intVarArray: KIntVarArray :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGeneralizedArcConsistencyConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class implements a generic class for propagation of any nary constraint by forward checking/arc consistency or generalized arc consistency

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1



Abstract Interface for generic propagation of any binary constraint.

testIfSatisfied(tuple: kalis.intvector)bool

Abstract Interface for generic propagation of any binary constraint.

Return type



true if and only if the constraint is satisfied when v1 == val1 & v2 == val2

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGeneralizedArcConsistencyTableConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class implements a generic class for propagation of any n-ary constraint by generalized arc consistency

See also: KGeneralizedArcConsistencyConstraint KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGlobalCardinalityConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class implements a Global Cardinality Constraint.

A GCC (Global Cardinality Constraint) over a set of variables is defined by three arrays called values, lowerBound, and upperBound. The constraint is satisfied if and only if the number of variables of the given set which are assigned to values[i] is greater or equal to lowerBound[i], and lower or equal to upperBound[i] for all i, and if no variable of the given set is assigned to a value which does not belong to values.

Posting a KGlobalCardinalityConstraint to a problem is equivalent, from a modelisation point of view, to posting two instances of {KOccurence} for each value. But this is absolutely not equivalent from a propagation point of view : GCC acquires a far better propagation, using the Regin algorithm.

Example. A group of tourists have to be transported from a point to another one, using a fleet of buses. The objective is to find the assignment which maximize a satisfaction of tourists, depending of their affinities. The bus capacity constraint can me modelized by the following code :

Bus [] fleet = // something ;
Tourist [] tourists = // something ;
KIntVarArray assignment = new KIntVarArray (problem, tourists.length, 0, fleet.length-1, "TouristBusesAssignment");
int [] capacity = new int [fleet.length]; // Capacities of the buses
for (int i=0; i < fleet.length; i++)
    capacity[i] = fleet[i].capacity;
KGlobalCardinalityConstraint gcc = new KGlobalCardinalityConstraint ("Buses Capacity constraint",
                                                                     assignment.getVars(), capacity);

See also: KCompleteAllDifferent KOccurence

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGreaterOrEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X >= C constraint.

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
// ... >= 3);
// or,3));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGreaterOrEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X >= Y + C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ... >= Y + 3);
// or,Y,3));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KGuard(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates an implication on two constraints C1 ==> C2

Example :

// C1     C2       C1 ==> C2
// -------------------------
// false  false    true
// false  true     true
// true   false    false
// true   true     true

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
KIntVar Z(...); KGuard( X <= Y + 3 , Z > 4 )  );

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KHybridSolution(*args)

Bases: object

This class represents a solution of a relaxation solver, that is, a mapping from variables (KNumVar and/or KAuxVar) to their value.

Example :

KXPRSLinearRelaxationSolver mySolver(...);
KHybridSolution * mySol = solverMIP.getSolutionPtr();

Since: 2016.1



Print solution.


Overload 1: Get the value of a KNumVar.


Overload 1:


Print solution.


Overload 1: Get the value of a KNumVar.

Overload 2: Get the value of a KAuxVar.


Overload 1:

Set the value of a KNumVar.

  • variable – whose value is modified

  • new – value

Overload 2:

Set the value of a KAuxVar.

  • var (KAuxVar) – varaible to modify

  • new – value

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KInputOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable in the input order.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KInputOrder(),KMaxToMin());

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1



return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

selectNextVariable(intVarArray: KIntVarArray)KIntVar *

return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.intlist

This class implements an array of integers

Example :

KIntArray intArray;
intArray += 3;
intArray += 5;
// intArray = { 3,5 }
intArray[0] = 2;
// intArray = { 2,5 }

See also: KDoubleArray Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntMatrix(*args)

Bases: kalis.intmatrix

This class implements an matrix of integers

KProblem p(...);
// mat is a matrix of integer
// mat[0][0] mat[1][0]
// mat[0][1] mat[1][1]
// mat[0][2] mat[1][2]
// with domain [0..10]
KIntMatrix  mat(p,2,3,0,10,"mat");

Since: 2016.1



Pretty printing of the matrix


Get a pointer to a copy of this object


Pretty printing of the matrix

getCopyPtr()ArtelysMatrix< int > *

Get a pointer to a copy of this object

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntVar(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVar

This class implements an integer variable with enumerated (finite) domain. Decision variables are the variable quantities that we are trying to instantiate in order to satisfy the constraints of our problem. In this version, Artelys Kalis works with integer variables : decision variables which are constrained to take only integer values. These integer variables are represented by instances of the class KIntVar.

Example :

KProblem  p(...);
// X is an integer variable that can take value 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
KIntVar X(p, "X", 0, 10);
// Y is an integer variable that can take value 7,8,10 (3 different values)
KIntVar Y(p, "Y", KIntArray(3, 7, 8, 10));

// Z is an integer variable that can take value 3,4,5
KIntVar Z;
Z = KIntVar(p,3,5);

See also: KIntArray KIntVarArray

Since: 2016.1



Check if value is in the domain


Overload 1: Pretty printing


Return a copy of this KIntVar object


Returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


Returns current domain size of the variable


Returns lower bound of this variable


Returns integer lower bound of this variable


Returns integer upper bound of this variable


Returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwise


Returns value in variable’s domain and close to the middle


Return the name of the variable


Get value immediatly after “next” in the domain of the variable and put it into next


Get value immediatly before “prev” in the domain of the variable and put it into prev


Get a random value in the domain of the variable


Returns upper bound of this variable


Get target value


Returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar


Instantiate the variable to a value


Check if equal to x


Optimize the internal representation of the domain


Remove value from the variable’s domain


Set the lower bound to value


Set the name of the variable


Set the upper bound to value


Set the target value


Shave lower bound of variable


Shave upper bound of variable


Shave the value ‘val’

canBeInstantiatedTo(value: int)bool

Check if value is in the domain


Overload 1: Pretty printing

Overload 2: Pretty printing

getCopyPtr()KIntVar *

Return a copy of this KIntVar object


Returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


Returns current domain size of the variable


Returns lower bound of this variable


Returns integer lower bound of this variable


Returns integer upper bound of this variable


Returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwise


Returns value in variable’s domain and close to the middle

getName()char const *

Return the name of the variable

getNextDomainValue(next: int &)void

Get value immediatly after “next” in the domain of the variable and put it into next

getPrevDomainValue(prev: int &)void

Get value immediatly before “prev” in the domain of the variable and put it into prev


Get a random value in the domain of the variable


Returns upper bound of this variable


Get target value


Returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar

instantiate(value: int const)void

Instantiate the variable to a value

isEqualTo(x: kalis.KIntVar)bool

Check if equal to x


Optimize the internal representation of the domain

remVal(value: int const)void

Remove value from the variable’s domain

setInf(value: int)void

Set the lower bound to value

setName(name: char const *)void

Set the name of the variable

setSup(value: int)void

Set the upper bound to value

setTarget(value: int)void

Set the target value


Shave lower bound of variable


Shave upper bound of variable

shaveOnValue(val: int)bool

Shave the value ‘val’

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntVarArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.intvarlist

This class implements an array of KIntVar with enumerated (finite) domains

Example :

KProblem  p(...);
// T is an array of KIntVar T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 with domain [0..10]
KIntVarArray T(p,5,0,10,"T");

See also: KIntVar

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntVarBranchingScheme(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Abstract class for Branching scheme. Search is made thanks to a tree search algorithm. At each node, propagation is made and if no solution exists, Artelys Kalis needs to split your problem in smaller subproblems covering (or not) all the initial problem. This partition is made following a branching scheme.

Different types of branching schemes exist. For example, a classical way is to choose a variable which has not been instantiated so far and to build a sub-problem for each remaining value in the variable’s domains, this sub-problem being the original problem where the variable has been instantiated to this value. And then, you can continue the search with these new nodes. Choosing the right branching schemes to be used with your particular problem could greatly improve the performance of the tree search. Artelys Kalis allows you to choose between many classical branching schemes provided with the library and to easily program yourself the more specialized branching schemes that you suppose to be useful for your own problems. This branching scheme is suited for branching on KIntVar objects only.

See also: KBranchingScheme KFloatVarBranchingScheme KAssignAndForbidd KSplitDomain KSettleDisjunction KProbe

Since: 2016.1


finishedBranching(branchingObject, …)

Return true IFF branching is completed on one specific branch of the branch and bound


This method is called upon finishing branching for the current node and allows freeing objects created at the current node.

getNextBranch(branchingObject, …)

Return the next branch


Return the current problem

goDownBranch(branchingObject, …)

This method is called once a branch has been selected and a decision must be taken

goUpBranch(branchingObject, …)

This method is called upon backtrack on a specific branch


Select the next KIntVar to branch on when one branch has been explored

finishedBranching(branchingObject: KIntVar, branchingInformation: int *, currentBranchNumber: int)bool

Return true IFF branching is completed on one specific branch of the branch and bound

  • branchingObject (KIntVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (int) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

freeAllocatedObjectsForBranching(branchingObject: KIntVar, branchingInformation: int *)void

This method is called upon finishing branching for the current node and allows freeing objects created at the current node.

  • branchingObject (KIntVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (int) – the branching information

getNextBranch(branchingObject: KIntVar, branchingInformation: int *, currentBranchNumber: int)int *

Return the next branch

  • branchingObject (KIntVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (int) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

getProblem()KProblem *

Return the current problem

goDownBranch(branchingObject: KIntVar, branchingInformation: int *, currentBranchNumber: int)void

This method is called once a branch has been selected and a decision must be taken

  • branchingObject (KIntVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (int) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

goUpBranch(branchingObject: KIntVar, branchingInformation: int *, currentBranchNumber: int)void

This method is called upon backtrack on a specific branch

  • branchingObject (KIntVar) – the branching object

  • branchingInformation (int) – the branching information

  • currentBranchNumber (int) – the current branch number

selectNextBranchingVar()KIntVar *

Select the next KIntVar to branch on when one branch has been explored

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntVarMatrix(problem: KProblem, N: int, M: int, lowerBound: int, upperBound: int, name: char const * = None)

Bases: object

This class implements an matrix of KIntVar

Example :

KProblem p(...);
// mat is a matrix of KIntVar of size (2, 3) with domain [0..10]
KIntVarMatrix  mat(p, 2, 3, 0, 10, "mat");

See also: KIntArray

Since: 2016.1



pretty printing of the matrix

getAll(n, all)

put all the variables in the matrix into the “all” KIntVarArray

getCol(n, col)

put all the variables with column index m into the “col” KIntVarArray

getElt(n, m)

return the KIntVar at position (n,m) in the matrix

getPtr(n, m)

return a pointer to the KIntVar at position (n,m) in the matrix

getRow(m, row)

put all the variables with row index m into the “row” KIntVarArray


pretty printing of the matrix

getAll(n: int, all: KIntVarArray)KIntVarArray &

put all the variables in the matrix into the “all” KIntVarArray

getCol(n: int, col: KIntVarArray)KIntVarArray &

put all the variables with column index m into the “col” KIntVarArray

getElt(n: int, m: int)KIntVar &

return the KIntVar at position (n,m) in the matrix

getPtr(n: int, m: int)KIntVar *

return a pointer to the KIntVar at position (n,m) in the matrix

getRow(m: int, row: KIntVarArray)KIntVarArray &

put all the variables with row index m into the “row” KIntVarArray

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntegerObjectiveOptimalityChecker(maximize: bool)

Bases: kalis.KOptimalityToleranceChecker

An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with integer objective only.


isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj, bestBound)

Check for the optimality tolearance


Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution.

isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj: double, bestBound: double)bool

Check for the optimality tolearance

  • bestSolutionObj (float) –

  • bestBound (float) –

Return type



true is the best solution is close enough - for some criteria - to the optimum

nextBoundToTry(bestSolutionObj: double)double

Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution. This prevent from storing too many solutions which are very similar.


bestSolutionObj (float) – the best objective value of already found solutions.

Return type



a bound to set on the objective.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KIntervalDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Branching scheme for splitting float variables into a set of intervals.

This branching scheme split the domain of a float variable into interval of length gap. If the boolean order is false, then interval are created in ascending order (descending order otherwise).

For an initial domain [l, u], the created sub-domains will be:
  • In ascending order: [l + (k-1) * gap, min(l + k * gap, u)] for k=1,…,ceil((u-l)/gap)

  • In descending order: [u - k * gap, max(u - (k-1) * gap, l)] for k=1,…,ceil((u-l)/gap)

See also: KBranchingScheme

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest domain.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KLargestDomain(),KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestDurationDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Largest domain duration task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestEarliestCompletionTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Largest Earliest Completion time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestEarliestStartTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Largest Earliest Start time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestLatestCompletionTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Largest Latest Completion time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestLatestStartTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Largest Latest Start time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestMax(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the largest upperbound in its domain.


KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KLargestMax(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestMin(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the largest lower bound.


KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KLargestMin(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLargestReducedCost(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This variable selector selects the variable with biggest reduced cost in current LP solution of the provided linear relaxation solver.

Note that it does NOT call the solve() method of the solver automatically. The current LP solution is simply read as it is.

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLessOrEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X <= C constraint.

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
// ... <= 3);
// or,3));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLinComb(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a Sum(ai.Xi) { <= , != , == } C constraint

Example :

KIntVarArray X(...); * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] == 3);
//  or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] <= 3);
//  or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] >= 3);
//  or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] != 3);

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLinRel(*args)

Bases: kalis.KRelation

This class represents a linear relation (equality or inequality) between variables.

Variables involved in the KLinRel object can be a mix of KNumVar and KAuxVar.



Overload 1:


Is the linear relation satisfied for this instantiation ?


Print statistics about the equation.


Overload 1:

Add a term (variable “times” coefficient) to the relation.

  • var (KNumVar) – the variable involved

  • coeff (float, optional) – its coefficient

Overload 2:

Add a term (variable “times” coefficient) to the relation.

type var


param var

the variable involved

type coeff

float, optional

param coeff

its coefficient

Overload 3:

Add a term (variable “times” coefficient) to the relation.

type var


param var

the variable involved

param coeff

its coefficient

Overload 4:

Add all the terms of the given relation (no reduction).

type relation


param relation

the relation to add

isSatisfied(sol: kalis.KHybridSolution)bool

Is the linear relation satisfied for this instantiation ?

type sol


param sol

hybrid solution to check


Print statistics about the equation.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLinTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent a linear term of the form Sum(coeffs[i].lvars[i]) + cst

Example :

KProblem p(...);
KIntVarArray X(...);

KLinTerm linTerm;

linTerm = 3 * X[0];
linTerm = linTerm + 5;
linTerm = linTerm + 2 * X[1];
linTerm = linTerm - 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3];
linTerm = linTerm - 7;
// these lines are equivalent to :
// linTerm = 3 * X[0] + 2 * X[1] - 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] - 2

// posting the constraint  3 * X[0] + 2 * X[1] - 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] - 2 >= 5
// will be converted into  -3 * X[0] - 2 * X[1] + 3 * X[2] - 5 * X[3] + 7 <= 0 >= 5);

See also: KConstraint KLinComb

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLinearRelaxation(*args)

Bases: object

This class represents a linear relaxation of a domain.

A linear relaxation consists of the following.
  • A set of involved variables

  • A type for each variable (either continuous or global). The type of a variable in a relaxation need not be the same as its “intrinsic” type. For instance, a KIntVar (which is a global variable) can be set continuous in a relaxation. On the contrary, making a KFloatVar global in a relaxation is forbidden since it would not make much sense to “relax” the domain of a variable by restricting it.

  • A set of linear relations (KLinRel) representing linear (in)equalities with these variables

Since: 2016.1



Add a SOS of type 1 or 2.


Overload 1: Big-M method.


Overload 1: Convex hull method.


Overload 1: Get the rank of a KNumVar variable.


Insert a KIntVar variable.


Overload 1: Check whether the relaxation is exact or not.


Print statistics about the relaxation.


Print KLinRel that are violated by an hybrid solution (if any).


set object name

addSOS(sos: KLinRel)void

Add a SOS of type 1 or 2.

SOS are stored as KLinRel, the constant of the KLinRel being either 1 or 2 depending on the type of the SOS.

A SOS1 (special ordered set of type 1) is a set of variables with the constraint that at most one variable in the set may be non-zero. Note that the comparator and the coefficients of the KLinRel plays no role.

A SOS2 (special ordered set of type 2) is a set of variables with the constraint that at most two variables in the set may be non-zero, and if there are two non-zeros, they must be adjacent. Adjacency is defined by the weights (coefficients in the KLinRel), which must be unique. Note that the comparator of the KLinRel plays no role.

type sos


param sos

the sos to add

static bigM(*args)KLinearRelaxation *

Overload 1: Big-M method.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the big-M disjunction of the two arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

Overload 2: Big-M method with any number of arguments.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the big-M disjunction of the arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

static convexHull(*args)KLinearRelaxation *

Overload 1: Convex hull method.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the convex hull of the two arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

Overload 2: Convex hull method, with any number of arguments.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the convex hull of the arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

getRank(*args)unsigned int

Overload 1: Get the rank of a KNumVar variable.

Note that method close() must be called first, otherwise ranks are undefined. :type var: KNumVar :param var: variable to rank

Overload 2: Get the rank of a KAuxVar.

Note that method close() must be called first, otherwise ranks are undefined. :type var: KAuxVar :param var: variable to rank

insertVar(var: KIntVar)void

Insert a KIntVar variable.

Inserting a variable “manually” to the list of variables involved in the relaxation is not necessary in most cases, since variables are added automatically when a constraint in which they are involved is added to the Relaxation.

Note: if the KIntVar has indicators, they are automatically inserted in the relaxation as well. :type var: KIntVar :param var: variable to add (with its indicators, if any)


Overload 1: Check whether the relaxation is exact or not.

A relaxation is said to be “exact” when it represents exactly the underlying set of constraints (constraints that were relaxed), so it is not an intrinsic property. This flag is meant to inform the user, not the solver ! (it is not used by the solver in any way).

Overload 2: Setter for isRelaxationExact.

Same remark as for the previous getter.

Print statistics about the relaxation.

Print only the number of variables (with their type), KLinRel and SOS involved.

printViolated(arg2: KHybridSolution)void

Print KLinRel that are violated by an hybrid solution (if any).

Useful to check whether a solution contained in a KHybridSolution object is valid.

setName(arg2: char const *)void

set object name

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KLinearRelaxationSolver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: kalis.KRelaxationSolver

This class is intended as a superclass for linear relaxation solvers.

Such a solver must be provided with
  • a linear relaxation (KLinearRelaxation)

  • an objective variable (KNumVar)

  • a sense for optimization (KProblem::Sense).

It relies on a LP/MIP solver to provide the following information:
  • a value (a bound for the relaxed problem, cf method getBound())

  • a solution, possibly not feasible for the original problem, but which can be used to guide the search for a feasible solution

  • if the problem is LP, reduced costs (that can be used for instance in the “reduced cost fixing” procedure).

Since: 2016.1



Cut generation


Writes the current problem to a file (in lp format).


Newton barrier method


Dual simplex algorithm


Network simplex algorithm


Primal simplex algorithm

generateCuts(relaxation: KLinearRelaxation)void

Cut generation

property thisown

The membership flag

writeLP(filename: char const *)int

Writes the current problem to a file (in lp format).


filename (string) – the path of the file to write (existing file is overwrited, if any)

Return type



return code is reserved for future use (for now, errors are trapped by an exception)

kalis.KLinearRelaxation_bigM(*args)KLinearRelaxation *

Overload 1: Big-M method.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the big-M disjunction of the two arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

Overload 2: Big-M method with any number of arguments.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the big-M disjunction of the arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

kalis.KLinearRelaxation_convexHull(*args)KLinearRelaxation *

Overload 1: Convex hull method.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the convex hull of the two arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

Overload 2: Convex hull method, with any number of arguments.

Get a new linear relaxation which is the convex hull of the arguments. Note: deleting it is user’s responsibility.

class kalis.KMax(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a vMax = max(X1,X2,…,Xn) constraint

Example :

KIntVarArray X(...);
KIntVar maxOfX(...);
// ..."maxOfX=max(X)", maxOfX, X));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMaxDegree(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable involved in the maximum number of constraints.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KMaxDegree(),KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMaxRegretOnLowerBound(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with maximum regret on its lowerbound.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KMaxRegretOnLowerBound(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMaxRegretOnUpperBound(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with maximum regret on its upperbound.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KMaxRegretOnUpperBound(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMaxToMin(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that returns values in decreasing order.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



get Next Value

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

get Next Value

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMiddle(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from the middle value in the domain of the variable.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(), KMiddle());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.


intVar (KIntVar) – the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMin(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a vMin = min(X1,X2,…,Xn) constraint

Example :

KIntVarArray X(...);
KIntVar minOfX(...);"minOfX=max(X)",minOfX,X));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMinMaxConflict(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

Value selector that selects the value of a variable that implies the best problem size reduction when instantiated.

For each possible value of the domain of the variable, the variable is instantiated and the problem size reduction is evaluated.



Return an allocated copy of the selector


Selects the value of the given variable that induces the best problem size once instantiated to this value.

getCopyPtr()KValueSelector *

Return an allocated copy of the selector

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Selects the value of the given variable that induces the best problem size once instantiated to this value.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMinToMax(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that returns values in increasing order.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(),KMinToMax());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



get Next Value

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

get Next Value

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KMostFractional(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This variable selector selects the variable with biggest fractional part in the current solution held by the provided linear relaxation solver.

Note that it does NOT call the “solve” method of the solver, so if you want the relaxation to be re-solved at each node, you must use method KSolver::setOtherNodesRelaxationSolver.

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNearestNeighbor(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

A nearest neighboor branching scheme based on a distance matrix.



Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.


intVar (KIntVar) – the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNearestRelaxedValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This value selector chooses the value closest to the relaxed solution contained in the provided solver.

Since: 2016.1



get Next Value

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

get Next Value

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNearestValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from target in the domain of the variable.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(), KNearestValue());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.


intVar (KIntVar) – the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNonLinearTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent a non linear term.

Example :

X + 3 * Y ^ 3

See also: KConstraint KNumLinComb

Since: 2016.1



returns the KProblem associated with this variable

getProblem()KProblem *

returns the KProblem associated with this variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNotEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X != C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
// ... != 5);
// or,5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNotEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X <> Y + C constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
// ... != Y + 5);
// or, Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumDistanceEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) == C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, 3));    // |X-Y| == 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumDistanceGreaterThanXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) >= C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, 3)); // |X-Y| >= 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumDistanceLowerThanXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a abs(X-Y) <= C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, 3));   // |X-Y| <= 3

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumEqualXYZ(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Y + Z constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
KNumVar Z(...);
// ..., Y, Z));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumEqualXYc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Y + C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ... == Y + 5);
// or, Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
// ... == 5);
// or,5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumGreaterOrEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X >= C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
// ... >= 3);
// or, 3));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumGreaterOrEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X >= Y + C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ... >= Y + 5);
// or, Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumInputOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable in the input order.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KNumInputOrder(), KMaxToMin());

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1



return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

getCopyPtr()KNumVariableSelector *

return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumLargestReducedCost(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVariableSelector

This variable selector selects the variable with biggest reduced cost in current LP solution of the provided linear relaxation solver.

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumLessOrEqualXc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X <= C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
// ... <= 3);
// or, 3));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumLinComb(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a Sum(ai.Xi) { <= , != , == } C constraint

Example :

KNumVarArray X(...);
//... * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] == 3);
// or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] <= 3);
// or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] >= 3);
// or * X[1] + 3 * X[2] + 5 * X[3] + ... + 7 * X[n] != 3);

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

Equal = 0

Equality relation

GreaterOrEqual = 1

Greater or Equal relation

LessOrEqual = 3

Lest or Equal relation

NotEqual = 2

Not equal relation

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumLowerOrEqualXyc(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X <= Y + C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ... <= Y + 5);
// or, Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumMiddle(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from the middle value in the domain of the variable.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(),KNumMiddle());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic :type intVar: KNumVar :param intVar: the variable to selects a value for

selectNextValue(numVar: KNumVar)double

virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic :type intVar: KNumVar :param intVar: the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumNearestRelaxedValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumValueSelector

This value selector chooses the value closest to the relaxed solution contained in the provided solver.

If the relaxed value for a KFloatVar variable is within its bounds, the selected value is simply the relaxed value. Otherwise, it is the upper or lower bound of the KFloatVar.

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumNearestValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that selects the nearest value from target in the domain of the variable .

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KSplitDomain(KWidestDomain(), KNumNearestValue());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic :type intVar: KNumVar :param intVar: the variable to selects a value for

selectNextValue(intVar: KNumVar)double

virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic :type intVar: KNumVar :param intVar: the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumNonLinearComb(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class represents a constraint to propagate any non linear constraint of the form KNonLinearTerm COMPARATOR KNonLinearTerm.

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumObjectiveOptimalityChecker(maximize: bool, absoluteTolerance: double, relativeTolerance: double)

Bases: kalis.KOptimalityToleranceChecker

An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use both a relative and absolute difference criteria.


isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj, bestBound)

Check for the optimality tolearance


Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution.

isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj: double, bestBound: double)bool

Check for the optimality tolearance

  • bestSolutionObj (float) –

  • bestBound (float) –

Return type



true is the best solution is close enough - for some criteria - to the optimum

nextBoundToTry(bestSolutionObj: double)double

Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution. This prevent from storing too many solutions which are very similar.


bestSolutionObj (float) – the best objective value of already found solutions.

Return type



a bound to set on the objective.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumSmallestDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVariableSelector

Smallest domain variable selector



virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

selectNextVariable(numVarArray: KNumVarArray)KNumVar *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumValueSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for value selection heuristic See also: KMaxToMin KMinToMax KMiddle KRandomValue KNearestValue

Since: 2016.1



virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic

selectNextValue(intVar: KNumVar)double
virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic
type intVar


param intVar

the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumVar(*args)

Bases: object

Superclass of decision variables



Return true if this variable can be instantiated to ‘value’


Overload 1: Pretty printing


Return a copy of this object


returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


Return the index of the variable


returns lower bound of this variable


returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwhise


returns the KProblem associated with this variable


returns upper bound of this variable


get target value


returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar


Instantiate the variable to value


Return true iff this variable is hidden


Hidden variable Y/N


set the lower bound to value


Set the name of the variable


set the upper bound to value


set the target value


activate shaving Y/N

IsKFloatVar = 2

Integer variables

IsKIntVar = 1

Floating-point (continuous) variables

IsKNumVar = 0

Numeric variables

canBeInstantiatedTo(value: double)bool

Return true if this variable can be instantiated to ‘value’


Overload 1: Pretty printing

Overload 2: Pretty printing

getCopyPtr()KNumVar *

Return a copy of this object


returns the number of constraints where this variable appears


Return the index of the variable


returns lower bound of this variable


returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwhise

getProblem()KProblem *

returns the KProblem associated with this variable


returns upper bound of this variable


get target value


returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)


Return the type of this variable :param KNumVar::IsKNumVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKIntVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar :param KNumVar::IsKFloatVar: for an instance of the class KNumVar

instantiate(value: double const)void

Instantiate the variable to value


Return true iff this variable is hidden

setHidden(hidden: bool)void

Hidden variable Y/N

setInf(value: double)void

set the lower bound to value

setName(name: char const *)void

Set the name of the variable

setSup(value: double)void

set the upper bound to value

setTarget(value: double)void

set the target value

property thisown

The membership flag

useShaving(use: bool)void

activate shaving Y/N

class kalis.KNumVarArray

Bases: kalis.numvarlist

This class implements an array of KNumVar.

Example :

KProblem  p(...);
KNumVarArray T;
T += KIntVar(p, "X");

See also: KIntVar

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumVariableSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for variable selection heuristic.

See also: KSmallestDomain KMaxDegree KSmallestMin KSmallestMax KLargestMin

KLargestMax KRandomVariable KSmallestDomDegRatio KMaxRegretOnLowerBound KMaxRegretOnUpperBound

Since: 2016.1



virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics

selectNextVariable(numVarArray: KNumVarArray)KNumVar *
virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics
param intVarArray

Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsAbsY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = |Y| constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsAtan2YZ(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = atan2(Y, Z) constraint. Atan2(Y, Z) is defined as follow :

  • atan(Y/Z) if Z > 0

  • atan(Y/Z) + PI if Z < 0 and Y >= 0

  • atan(Y/Z) - PI if Z < 0 and Y < 0

  • (+ PI / 2) if Z = 0 and Y > 0

  • (- PI / 2) if Z = 0 and Y < 0

  • undefined if Z = 0 and Y = 0

Domain of X variable is at least (-PI, PI].

Example :

KFloatVar X(...);
KFloatVar Y(...);
KFloatVar Z(...);
// ..., Y, Z));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2020.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsLnY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = ln(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsYArithPowC(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = Y ^ C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsYSquared(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = Y^2 constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// .., Y));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsYTimesC(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X = Y * C constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, 5));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXEqualsYTimesZ(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Y * Z constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
KNumVar Z(...);
// ... == Y * Z);
// or, Y, Z));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorACosY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} acos(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorASinY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} asin(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorATanY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} atan(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorCosY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} cos(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorExpY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} exp(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorLnY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} ln(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorSinY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} sin(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KNumXOperatorTanY(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X {==,<=,>=} tan(Y) constraint

Example :

KNumVar X(...);
KNumVar Y(...);
// ..., Y, GEQ));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KOccurTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent an expression of type occur(target,lvars) where target is the value for wich we want to restrict the number of occurence(s) in the lVars array of variables.

Example :

KProblem p(...);
KIntVar countVar(...);
KIntVarArray X(...);

KOccurTerm occurTerm(3,X);

// posting the constraint "the number of occurences of the value 3 in the
// X variable array must be less than the value of countVar <= countVar);
// or <= 5);

See also: KConstraint KOccurrence

Since: 2016.1



return the array of variables in wich we want to restrict the number of occurences of the target value


return the target value

getLvars()KIntVarArray *

return the array of variables in wich we want to restrict the number of occurences of the target value


return the target value

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KOccurrence(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates an occurence constraint of a value in a list of variables

Example :

KIntVarArray Tab(...);
KIntVar countVar(...); KOccurTerm(0,Tab) <= 5 );        // No more than 5 occurence of 0 in Tab KOccurTerm(1,Tab) < 5 );         // No more than 4 occurence of 1 in Tab KOccurTerm(2,Tab) >= countVar ); // No Less than countVar occurence of 2 in Tab KOccurTerm(3,Tab) > countVar );  // No Less than countVar occurence of 3 in Tab

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KOptimalityToleranceChecker(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This interface sets a framework for objects providing method to check if the current solution is close enough to the optimum, and, if not, to give a new bound to set on the objective variable.


isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj, bestBound)

Check for the optimality tolearance


Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution.

isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj: double, bestBound: double)bool

Check for the optimality tolearance

  • bestSolutionObj (float) –

  • bestBound (float) –

Return type



true is the best solution is close enough - for some criteria - to the optimum

nextBoundToTry(bestSolutionObj: double)double

Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution. This prevent from storing too many solutions which are very similar.


bestSolutionObj (float) – the best objective value of already found solutions.

Return type



a bound to set on the objective.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KOptimizeListener(*args)

Bases: kalis.KParallelSolverEventListener

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KOptimizeWithISListener(*args)

Bases: kalis.KParallelSolverEventListener

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KParallelBranchingScheme(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Parallel branching scheme


KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KParallelBranchingScheme(KSplitDomain(KSmallestDomain(), KMaxToMin()));

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KParallelSolverEventListener(*args)

Bases: kalis.KSolverEventListener



Called after each branchGoDown event


Called after each branchGoUp event


Called after constraint propagation in each node


Ask user for termination at each node

branchGoDown(thread: int)void

Called after each branchGoDown event

branchGoUp(thread: int)void

Called after each branchGoUp event

nodeExplored(thread: int)void

Called after constraint propagation in each node


Ask user for termination at each node

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KPathOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

A variable selector based on a path order.

The initial successor is chosen randomly. Then, the following chosen variable will the designated successor in the previous branching choice.

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1



return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

getCopyPtr()KVariableSelector *

return the first uninstantiated variable in the order of creation

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KProbe(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Probe branching scheme

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KProbeDisjunction(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

ProbeDisjunction branching scheme

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KProblem(*args)

Bases: object

Constraint satisfaction and optimization problems include variables, constraints ( modeling entities ) and might have solutions after search. Such problems are represented in Artelys Kalis by objects of the class KProblem. These objects are holding the modeling entities objects, the solutions objects and the objective variable object and the sense of the optimization.

These elements are store in a KProblem object which is declared as follows :

KProblem myProblem(mySession,"myProblem");

This statement creates a KProblem object named myProblem and held by the KSession object mySession.

For using Kalis parallel search algorithms, it is necessary to create multiple instances of the problem to be solved. This can be done by using the following KProblem declaration :

KProblem myProblem(mySession,"myProblem", n);

This statement creates a KProblem object named myProblem, storing n problem instances and held by the KSession object mySession.

Since: 2016.1



Collects all solutions from subproblem instances


Return the minimal conflict set for this problem


Returns best solution found if problem has an objective, last solution found otherwise


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


return the number of constraints in the problem


Return the number of solutions already found for this problem


return the number of variables in the problem


Return the Objective variable.


Return a measure of the problem size


Get an automatic relaxation of all the constraints in the array provided as an argument.


Overload 1: Returns last solution found


Get solution container


Returns true is the problem has an objective


Do some internal optimization to solve faster the problem


pretty printing of the disjunctions involved in the problem

printMinimalConflictSet([ctx, pfp, verboseLebel])

Print a minimal conflict set for this problem.


pretty printing of the variables of the problem


Returns true iff at least one solution was found for this problem


Propagate changes in the problem, returns true if the problem is proved inconsistent, false otherwise


Set the output log level


Overload 1: Set the objective function to the problem

setPrintFunctionPointer(ctx, pfp)

Set the print function pointer


Sets optimization sense

trace(logLevel, format)

Trace ‘printf’ style function

HIGH = 3

Display all information


Display all information (including internal debug information)

LOW = 1

Display errors and basic search information


Display errors, warnings and detailed search information

Maximize = 1

Maximize objective variable

Minimize = 0

Minimize objective variable

NONE = 0

Display no information, except requested by user (e.g. call to print() method)


Collects all solutions from subproblem instances


Return the minimal conflict set for this problem

getBestSolution()KSolution &

Returns best solution found if problem has an objective, last solution found otherwise

getInstanceOf(*args)KBranchingSchemeGroupArray *

Overload 1:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KIntVar object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 2:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KFloatVar object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 3:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KIntVarArray object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 4:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KNumVarArray object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 5:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KTaskArray object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 6:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KDisjunctionArray object. The copy is already managed.

Overload 7:

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KBranchingSchemeGroupArray object. The copy is already managed.

getLinearRelaxation(*args)KLinearRelaxation *

Overload 1:

Get an automatic relaxation of all the posted constraints (if relaxation available).

See the reference manual page of a constraint to check the available options. All constraints for which a relaxation is available provide at least strategies 0 and 1 : “0” is supposed to be tighter and “1” lighter. Automatic relaxation 0 is LP by default and automatic relaxation 1 is MIP by default, but you can change the type (global / continuous) of the variables using setGlobal and setAllGlobal of KLinearRelaxation.


strategy (int, optional) – parameter to choose the relaxation you want to use.

Overload 2:

Get an automatic relaxation of all the constraints in the array provided as an argument.

  • constraintClassArray (int) – types of constraints you want to relax (must have nbElem elements)

  • strategyArray (int) – strategy for each constraint (must have nbElem elements)

  • nbElem (int) – number of elements in the arrays


return the number of constraints in the problem


Return the number of solutions already found for this problem


return the number of variables in the problem


Return the Objective variable.

Throws an ArtelysException if the problem has no objective.


Return a measure of the problem size

getSimpleLinearRelaxation(rtype: int)KLinearRelaxation *

Get an automatic relaxation of all the constraints in the array provided as an argument.

  • constraintArray – constraints you want to relax (must have nbElem elements)

  • strategyArray – strategy for each constraint (must have nbElem elements)

  • nbElem – number of elements in the arrays

getSolution(*args)KSolution &

Overload 1: Returns last solution found

Overload 2: Returns the solution numbered ‘index’

getSolutionContainer()KSolutionContainer &

Get solution container


Returns true is the problem has an objective


Do some internal optimization to solve faster the problem


pretty printing of the disjunctions involved in the problem

printMinimalConflictSet(ctx: void * = None, pfp: PrintFunctionPtr * = None, verboseLebel: int = 1)void

Print a minimal conflict set for this problem.

  • ctx (void, optional) – printing context

  • pfp (PrintFunctionPtr, optional) – pointer to a printing function

  • verboseLevel – verbosity level of the calculations


pretty printing of the variables of the problem


Returns true iff at least one solution was found for this problem


Propagate changes in the problem, returns true if the problem is proved inconsistent, false otherwise

setLogLevel(logLevel: KProblem::LogLevel)void

Set the output log level


Overload 1: Set the objective function to the problem

Overload 2: Set the objective function to the problem as an continuous variable

setPrintFunctionPointer(ctx: void *, pfp: PrintFunctionPtr *)void

Set the print function pointer

setSense(sense: int)void

Sets optimization sense


sense (int) – Maximization or Minimization

property thisown

The membership flag

trace(logLevel: KProblem::LogLevel, format: char const *)void

Trace ‘printf’ style function

class kalis.KRandomValue(*args)

Bases: kalis.KValueSelector

This class implements a value selector that selects a value at random in the domain of the variable.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(),KRandomValue());

See also: KValueSelector

Since: 2016.1



Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.


intVar (KIntVar) – the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KRandomVariable(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects an uninstantiated variable at random.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KRandomVariable(),KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KRelation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A relation term between an expression and constants.



Add all the terms of the given relation (no reduction).


Is the linear relation satisfied for this instantiation ?


Set comparator based on argument and discards the bounds that are no longer relevant.

add(relation: KRelation)void

Add all the terms of the given relation (no reduction).

type relation


param relation

the relation to add

isSatisfied(sol: kalis.KHybridSolution)bool

Is the linear relation satisfied for this instantiation ?

type sol


param sol

hybrid solution to check

setComparator(cmp: KRelation::Comparator)void

Set comparator based on argument and discards the bounds that are no longer relevant.

type cmp


param cmp

comparator to be applied in the linar relation

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KRelativeToleranceOptimalityChecker(maximize: bool, tolerance: double)

Bases: kalis.KOptimalityToleranceChecker

An OptimalityToleranceChecker to use with any type of KNumVar objective, which use a relative difference criteria.


isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj, bestBound)

Check for the optimality tolearance


Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution.

isGoodEnough(bestSolutionObj: double, bestBound: double)bool

Check for the optimality tolearance

  • bestSolutionObj (float) –

  • bestBound (float) –

Return type



true is the best solution is close enough - for some criteria - to the optimum

nextBoundToTry(bestSolutionObj: double)double

Returns a bound to set on the objective, in order to look for solution which are not too close from the current best known solution. This prevent from storing too many solutions which are very similar.


bestSolutionObj (float) – the best objective value of already found solutions.

Return type



a bound to set on the objective.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KRelaxationSolver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class is intended as a superclass for linear relaxation solvers.

Such a solver must be provided with
  • a linear relaxation (KLinearRelaxation)

  • an objective variable (KNumVar)

  • a sense for optimization (KProblem::Sense).

It relies on a LP/MIP solver to provide the following information:
  • a value (a bound for the relaxed problem, cf method getBound())

  • a solution, possibly not feasible for the original problem, but which can be used to guide the search for a feasible solution

  • if the problem is LP, reduced costs (that can be used for instance in the “reduced cost fixing” procedure).

Since: 2016.1



Cut generation


Get the resolution algorithm


Get the (lower for minimization, upper for maximization) bound computed by solve().


Get the configurator of a KRelaxationSolver


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Get the total number of global variables.


Get the amount of time spent during the last call to solve().


Get the total amount of time spent in computations since the object was built.


Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Overload 1: Return true if the given variable is set as global


Set the resolution algorithm


(Un)set variables as global.


Set the configurator of a KRelaxationSolver


Overload 1:


Set all indicator auxiliary variables global.


Stop global search after maxMIPSol feasible solutions found.


Set objective variable.


Set the sense of optimization (maximize, minimize).


Set this flag to 0 if you want to solve as LP a linear relaxation containing global entities (1 is the default).


Solve the relaxed optimization problem.


Return true if the flag “solveAsMIP” is set

generateCuts(relaxation: KLinearRelaxation)void

Cut generation


Get the resolution algorithm


Get the (lower for minimization, upper for maximization) bound computed by solve().

Note that :
  • solve() method must be called before the getBound() method

  • moreover, the return code provided by solve() must be checked before using the value returned by getBound().

getConfigurator()KRelaxationSolverConfigurator *

Get the configurator of a KRelaxationSolver


Overload 1:

Get the current LP solution for a given KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Return type



value of var in the current MIP solution

Overload 2:

Get the current relaxed solution for a given KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked

Return type



value of var in the current solution


Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a given KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose solution is checked

Return type



value of var in the current MIP solution

Overload 2:

Get the current MIP solution for a given KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose solution is checked

Return type



value of var in the current MIP solution


Get the total number of global variables.


Get the amount of time spent during the last call to solve().


Get the total amount of time spent in computations since the object was built.

instantiateNumVarToCurrentSol(var: KNumVar)void

Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Overload 1: Return true if the given variable is set as global

Overload 2: Return true if the given variable is set as global

setAlgorithm(alg: int)void

Set the resolution algorithm

setAllGlobal(isGlobal: bool)void

(Un)set variables as global.

Set or unset as “global” all KIntVar and KAuxVar with global type (note that a KFloatVar variables are not modified, since it would make little sense to set them global.)


isGlobal (boolean) – new global status

setConfigurator(configurator: KRelaxationSolverConfigurator)void

Set the configurator of a KRelaxationSolver


Overload 1:

Set (or unset) a KIntVar as global.

  • var (KIntVar) – variable to modify

  • isGlobal (boolean) – new global status

Overload 2:

Set (or unset) a KAuxVar global.

  • var (KAuxVar) – variable to check

  • isGlobal (boolean) – new global status

setIndicatorsGlobal(isGlobal: bool)void

Set all indicator auxiliary variables global.


isGlobal (boolean) – new global status

setMaxMIPSol(arg2: int)void

Stop global search after maxMIPSol feasible solutions found.

0 for no limit, this is the default. If the limit is low, this is likely to cause optimization to end before optimality.

setObjective(var: KNumVar)void

Set objective variable.


var (KNumVar) – the new objective variable

setSense(arg2: KProblem::Sense)void

Set the sense of optimization (maximize, minimize).


sense – new sense for optimization

setSolveAsMIP(flag: bool)void

Set this flag to 0 if you want to solve as LP a linear relaxation containing global entities (1 is the default).


flag (boolean) – New flag value

Deprecated: The new way of doing this is to use a configurator


Solve the relaxed optimization problem.

This methods returns the following error codes :
  • 0 : optimal

  • 1 : infeasible

  • 2 : search interrupted prematurely, a solution was found

  • 3 : search interrupted prematurely, no solution was found

  • 4 : other problem


Return true if the flag “solveAsMIP” is set

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KResource(*args)

Bases: object

Resources (machines, raw material etc) can be of two different types :
  • Disjunctive when the resource can process only one task at a time (represented by the class KUnaryResource).

  • Cumulative when the resource can process several tasks at the same time (represented by the class KDiscreteResource).

Traditional examples of disjunctive resources are Jobshop problems, cumulative resources are heavily used for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). Note that a disjunctive resource is semantically equivalent to a cumulative resource with maximal capacity one and unit resource usage for each task using this resource but this equivalence does not hold in terms of constraint propagation.

The following schema shows an example with three tasks A,B and C executing on a disjunctive resource and on a cumulative resource with resource usage 3 for task A, 1 for task B and 1 for task C :

Tasks may require, provide, consume and produce resources :
  • A task requires a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the activity. The capacity is renewable which means that the required capacity is available after the end of the task.

  • A task provides a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task. The capacity is renewable which means that the provided capacity is available only during the execution of the task.

  • A task consumes a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the consumed capacity if no longer available at the end of the task.

  • A task produces a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the produced capacity is definitively available after the starting of the task.



Add idle time steps to this resource.


Close this resource


Overload 1: Pretty printing of this resource


Return a copy of this object


Return the KIntVar representing the difference between LST and EST variables


Return the KIntVar representing the earliest starting time of all the tasks executing on this resource


Return the unique index of the resource


Return the capacity at timestep 0


Return the initial resource stock at time step t


Return true if all the tasks on this resource are fixed


Return the KIntVar representing the latest completion time of all the tasks executing on this resource


Return the initial resource storage at time step 0


Return the initial resource storage at time step t


Return the initial resource stock at time step t


Return the minimum tasks duration


Return the name of this resource


Return the number of tasks using this resource


Return the KIntVar representing the slack for this resource

getStartBasedDuration(task, start)

When declaring a task having a start based duration (through setStartBasedDuration or setDurationWithIdleTimes), this method will return the actual duration of task if it begins at start timestep.


Return task with index ‘index’ in this resource


Return true IFF timestep is an idle timestep for this resource


Overload 1:


Overload 1:

setDuration(task, duration)

Set the duration of the task if the task is assigned to this resource.

setDurationWithIdleTimes(task, duration, …)

Set a duration constraint conditional to some idle time windows and on the task assignment.

setInitialCapacityBetween(t0, t1, capa)

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa

setMaxAvailabilityBetween(t0, t1, capa)

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa

setMinUsageBetween(t0, t1, capa)

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa


Set the name of this resource

setSetupTime(task1, task2, afterT1[, afterT2])

Add a coupled setup time between two tasks for the current resource.

setStartBasedDuration(task, t1, t2, duration)

Set a duration computed from the value taken by the start variable if the task is assigned to this resource.

updateDurationWithIdleTimes(task, t1, t2, …)

Update the current start-based duration constraint with a new idle window.

addIdleTimeSteps(idleTimeSteps: KIntArray)void

Add idle time steps to this resource.

During “idle time steps”, the resource does nothing, i.e. its usage (consumption, production, …) for any task T is set to zero and delayed one time step after (if T is executed on this very time step).


Close this resource


Overload 1: Pretty printing of this resource

Overload 2: Pretty printing of this resource with a print function pointer

getCopyPtr()KResource *

Return a copy of this object

getDURVar()KIntVar *

Return the KIntVar representing the difference between LST and EST variables

getESTVar()KIntVar *

Return the KIntVar representing the earliest starting time of all the tasks executing on this resource


Return the unique index of the resource


Return the capacity at timestep 0

getInitialCapacityAt(t: int)int

Return the initial resource stock at time step t


Return true if all the tasks on this resource are fixed

getLCTVar()KIntVar *

Return the KIntVar representing the latest completion time of all the tasks executing on this resource


Return the initial resource storage at time step 0

getMaxAvailabilityAt(t: int)int

Return the initial resource storage at time step t

getMinUsageAt(t: int)int

Return the initial resource stock at time step t


Return the minimum tasks duration

getName()char const *

Return the name of this resource


Return the number of tasks using this resource

getSlackVar()KIntVar *

Return the KIntVar representing the slack for this resource

getStartBasedDuration(task: kalis.KTask, start: int)int

When declaring a task having a start based duration (through setStartBasedDuration or setDurationWithIdleTimes), this method will return the actual duration of task if it begins at start timestep.

If the start value is not available in the start-based duration domain, -1 will be returned.

See also: setDurationWithIdleTimes setDurationWithIdleTimes setDuration

Since: 13.2.1

getTask(index: int)KTask *

Return task with index ‘index’ in this resource

isIdleTimeStep(timestep: int)bool

Return true IFF timestep is an idle timestep for this resource


Overload 1:

Pretty printing the resource Gantt chart in the console

  • s (KSolution) – Given scheduling solution

  • factor (int) – distortion factor to print the Gantt in the console

Overload 2:

Pretty printing the resource Gantt chart


Overload 1:

Pretty printing the task Gantt chart in the console

  • s (KSolution) – Given scheduling solution

  • factor (int) – distortion factor to print the Gantt in the console

Overload 2:

Pretty printing the task Gantt chart

setDuration(task: KTask, duration: int)void

Set the duration of the task if the task is assigned to this resource.

If the task is assigned to this resource, the duration variable will take the given duration value:

(task.assign(r) = 1) => task.duration = duration

Note that this is equivalent than setting start based duration with one possible value.

  • task (KTask) – The concerned task

  • duration (int) – The actual duration taken if the task is allocated to the resource

See also: getStartBasedDuration setDurationWithIdleTimes

Since: 13.2.1

setDurationWithIdleTimes(task: KTask, duration: int, idleStarts: KIntArray, idleEnds: KIntArray, allowStartInIdle: bool)void

Set a duration constraint conditional to some idle time windows and on the task assignment.

If the task is assigned to this resource, the then the following statements will be enforced.

From the given nominal duration, the duration variable will be constrained to take the following values:
  • duration if the task does not intersect any idle time window

  • duration increased by total length of the intersecting idle time windows

For example, if a resource is idle on two time windows [s1, e1) and [s2, e2), then this method declares that the tasks intersecting those idle times windows will be extended.

  • If a task T1 starts before s1 but its duration make it intersect [s1, e1), then its duration variable will be T1.duration = duration + e1 - s1

  • If a task T2 starts before s1 but its updated duration make it intersect [s1, e1) and [s2, e2), then its duration variable will be T2.duration = duration + (e1 - s1) + (e2 - s2)

  • If a task T3 starts in the idle interval [s1, e1), then its duration variable will be T3.duration = duration + (e1 - T3.start)

  • If a task T4 starts in the idle interval [s1, e1) and its updated duration make it intersect [s2, e2) then its duration variable will be T4.duration = duration + (e1 - T4.start) + (e2 - s2)

Note that if allowStartInIdle is false then T3 and T4 cases will be forbidden. The idle time windows can be given in any order and can be intersecting (union is made). Note that idle time windows are a strict end interval (end time step is not in the interval). If the nominal duration is dependent on the start time of the task, the updateDurationWithIdleTimes method can be used instead.

  • task (KTask) – The concerned task

  • duration (int) – The expected nominal duration of the task without idle times

  • idleStarts (KIntArray) – The idle time windows start (must be of same length as idleEnds)

  • idleEnds (KIntArray) – The idle time windows end (must be of same length as idleStarts)

  • allowStartInIdle (boolean) – If true, the task will be able to start in an idle time window.

See also: setStartBasedDuration getStartBasedDuration setDuration

Since: 13.2.1

setInitialCapacityBetween(t0: int, t1: int, capa: int)void

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa

  • t0 (int) – start of the interval

  • t1 (int) – end of the interval

  • capa (int) – initial resource stock

setMaxAvailabilityBetween(t0: int, t1: int, capa: int)void

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa

  • t0 (int) – start of the interval

  • t1 (int) – end of the interval

  • capa (int) – initial resource stock

setMinUsageBetween(t0: int, t1: int, capa: int)void

Set the initial resource stock between time steps t0 and t1 to capa

  • t0 (int) – start of the interval

  • t1 (int) – end of the interval

  • capa (int) – initial resource storage

setName(name: char const *)void

Set the name of this resource

setSetupTime(task1: KTask, task2: KTask, afterT1: int, afterT2: int = 0)void

Add a coupled setup time between two tasks for the current resource. This means that if the two given tasks are assigned to the resource, then the start of the second task must be after the end of the first task plus the given duration :

r.assign(t1) and r.assign(t2) => t1.end + d <= t2.start

setStartBasedDuration(task: KTask, t1: int, t2: int, duration: int)void

Set a duration computed from the value taken by the start variable if the task is assigned to this resource.

If the task is assigned to this resource, the duration variable will take the given duration value if the start of the task is between the given interval:

(t1 <= task.start <= t2) and (task.assign(r) = 1) => task.duration = duration

This method can be called successively to specify different durations on different intervals. Calling successively with intersectings intervals will override existing values on the intersection. Also, propagation should not be called between sucessive calls. Note: All values not included in any of the given intervals will be forbidden for the start variable.

  • task (KTask) – The concerned task

  • t1 (int) – The first interval extremity

  • t2 (int) – The second interval extremity

  • duration (int) – The actual duration taken if the start is in the given interval

See also: getStartBasedDuration setDurationWithIdleTimes setDuration

Since: 13.2.1

property thisown

The membership flag

updateDurationWithIdleTimes(task: KTask, t1: int, t2: int, allowStartInIdle: bool)void

Update the current start-based duration constraint with a new idle window.

When having previously set a start-based duration (through setDuration or setStartBasedDuration), this method will update the start-based durations to simulate idle times windows.

Warning: when adding several idle time windows, they must be added in increasing time order and time windows must be disjoints. If not done this way, durations might be inconsistent. Also, propagation should not be called between sucessive calls.

resource.setDuration(task, 13);
// Adding a first idle time window
resource.updateDurationWithIdleTimes(task, 10, 15);
int d = resource.getStartBasedDuration(task, 7); // d = 18
// Adding the second idle time window
resource.updateDurationWithIdleTimes(task, 23, 31);
d = resource.getStartBasedDuration(task, 7); // d = 26
  • task (KTask) – The concerned task

  • t1 (int) – The idle time window start

  • t2 (int) – The idle time window end

  • allowStartInIdle (boolean) – If true, the task will be able to start in the idle time window.

See also: getStartBasedDuration setDuration setStartBasedDuration setDurationWithIdleTimes

Since: 13.2.1

class kalis.KResourceArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.resourcelist

This class implements an array of KResource

Example :

KSchedule  s(...);

// R is an array of KResource R0 R1 R2 R3 R4
KResourceArray R(s,5,0,10,"T");

See also: KResource

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KResourceSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Resource selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KResourceSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextResource(resArray: KResourceArray)KResource *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KResourceUsage(*args)

Bases: object

A KResourceUsage object can be used to describe the a specific usage of a given resource.



Overload 1: Pretty printing


Overload 1: Pretty printing

Overload 2: Pretty printing

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KResourceUsageArray

Bases: kalis.resourceusagelist

Utility container for storing a list of KResourceUsage

See also: KResourceUsage

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSchedule(p: KProblem, name: char const *, timeMin: int, timeMax: int)

Bases: object

Scheduling and planning problems are concerned with determining a plan for the execution of a given set of tasks.

The objective may be to generate a feasible schedule that satisfies the given constraints (such as sequence of tasks or limited resource availability) or to optimize a given criterion such as the makespan of the schedule.

Artelys-Kalis defines several aggregate modeling objects to simplify the formulation of standard scheduling problems like tasks,resources and schedule objects. by the types KUnaryResource and KDiscreteResource. When working with these scheduling objects it is often sufficient to state the objects and their properties, such as task duration or resource use; the necessary constraint relations are set up automatically by Artelys-Kalis (referred to as implicit constraints).

Since: 2016.1



Add a relaxation solver to be used during the resolution process


Add a resource to this schedule


Add a task to this schedule


Close this schedule (no tasks or resources can be added after this


Overload 1:


Find a initial heuristic solution for this schedule


Find the optimal solution for this schedule


Return the value of a double attribute


Return the value of a double control


Return a pointer to the durations array of all the tasks in this schedule


Return a pointer to the end dates array of all the tasks in this schedule


Return the value of an int attribute


Return the value of an int control


Return a reference to the objective variable representing the makespan of this schedule


Return the number of resources in this schedule


Return the number of tasks in this schedule


Return a reference to the objective variable of this schedule


Return the problem associated to this schedule


Return a pointer to the resource number ‘nbResource’ in this schedule in the input order


Return a pointer to the list of resource of this schedule


Return the solver object used to optimize the schedule


Return a pointer to the start dates array of all the tasks in this schedule


Return a pointer to the task number ‘nbTask” in the input order


Return a pointer to the list of tasks of this schedule


Return the maximal time horizon of this schedule


Return the minimal time horizon of this schedule


Return true if the schedule is closed


Find suboptimal solutions for this schedule using a local search algorithm.


Launch the optimization phase

printRessourcesGantt(sol, factor)

Pretty printing of the solution of this schedule

setDblAttrib(attribute, value)

Set the value of a double attribute

setDblControl(control, value)

Set the value of a double control

setFunctionPointers(asyncfunc, sol, nodes, …)

Set the callback functions to call when the schedule is optimized

setIntAttrib(attribute, value)

Set the value of an int attribute of the solver

setIntControl(control, value)

Set the value of an int control of the solver


Overload 1:


Setting the maxiaml horizon timestep


Setting the minimal horizon timestep

Inconsistent = 0

Schedule is inconsistent

Optimal = 2

Schedule is feasible and optimal

Suboptimal = 1

Schedule is feasible

addRelaxationSolver(solver: KLinearRelaxationSolver)void

Add a relaxation solver to be used during the resolution process

addResource(resource: KResource)void

Add a resource to this schedule


resource (KResource) – the resource to add to this schedule

addTask(task: KTask)void

Add a task to this schedule


Close this schedule (no tasks or resources can be added after this


Overload 1:

Pretty printing of the schedule

Overload 2:

Pretty printing of the schedule


Find a initial heuristic solution for this schedule

Return Inconsistent if this schedule has no solution. Return Suboptimal if the heuristic solution is subobtimal. Return Optimal if the heuristic solution is optimal.


Find the optimal solution for this schedule

Return Inconsistent if this schedule has no solution. Return Optimal if the heuristic solution is optimal

getDblAttrib(attribute: KSolver::DblAttrib)double

Return the value of a double attribute


attribute (int) – double attribute to retrieve

See also: DblAttrib

getDblControl(control: KSolver::DblControl)double

Return the value of a double control


control (int) – double control to retrieve

See also: DblControl

getDurationsArray()KIntVarArray *

Return a pointer to the durations array of all the tasks in this schedule

getEndDatesArray()KIntVarArray *

Return a pointer to the end dates array of all the tasks in this schedule

getIntAttrib(attribute: KSolver::IntAttrib)int

Return the value of an int attribute


attribute (int) – integer attribute to retrieve

See also: IntAttrib

getIntControl(control: KSolver::IntControl)int

Return the value of an int control


control (int) – integer control to retrieve

See also: IntControl

getMakeSpan()KIntVar &

Return a reference to the objective variable representing the makespan of this schedule


Return the number of resources in this schedule


Return the number of tasks in this schedule

getObjective()KNumVar &

Return a reference to the objective variable of this schedule

getProblem()KProblem *

Return the problem associated to this schedule

getResource(nbResource: int)KResource *

Return a pointer to the resource number ‘nbResource’ in this schedule in the input order

getResourceArray()KResourceArray *

Return a pointer to the list of resource of this schedule

getSolver()KSolver *

Return the solver object used to optimize the schedule

getStartDatesArray()KIntVarArray *

Return a pointer to the start dates array of all the tasks in this schedule

getTask(nbTask: int)KTask *

Return a pointer to the task number ‘nbTask” in the input order

getTaskArray()KTaskArray *

Return a pointer to the list of tasks of this schedule


Return the maximal time horizon of this schedule


Return the minimal time horizon of this schedule


Return true if the schedule is closed


Find suboptimal solutions for this schedule using a local search algorithm.

Return Inconsistent if this schedule has no solution. Return Suboptimal if the heuristic solution is suboptimal.


Launch the optimization phase

printRessourcesGantt(sol: KSolution, factor: int)void

Pretty printing of the solution of this schedule

setDblAttrib(attribute: KSolver::DblAttrib, value: double)void

Set the value of a double attribute

  • attribute (int) – the double attribute to set

  • value (float) – value of the attribute

See also: DblAttrib

setDblControl(control: KSolver::DblControl, value: double)void

Set the value of a double control

  • control (int) – the double control to set

  • value (float) – value of the control

See also: DblControl

setFunctionPointers(asyncfunc: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, sol: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, nodes: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, goup: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, godown: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, param: void *)void

Set the callback functions to call when the schedule is optimized

  • asyncfunc (int) – the callback to call to stop the optimization process

  • sol (int) – the callback to call when a solution has been found

  • nodes (int) – the callback to call when a node is created

  • goup (int) – the callback to call when a branch has been fully explored

  • godown (int) – the callback to call when a branch is explored

setIntAttrib(attribute: KSolver::IntAttrib, value: int)void

Set the value of an int attribute of the solver

  • attribute (int) – the int attribute to set

  • value (int) – the value of the attribute

See also: IntAttrib

setIntControl(control: KSolver::IntControl, value: int)void

Set the value of an int control of the solver

  • control (int) – the int control to set

  • value (int) – the value of the control

See also: IntControl


Overload 1:

Set the objective variable for this schedule as a KFloatVar


obj (KFloatVar) – the objective variable for this schedule as a KFloatVar

Overload 2:

Set the objective variable for this schedule as a KIntVar


the – objective variable for this schedule as a KIntVar

setTimeMax(timemax: int)void

Setting the maxiaml horizon timestep

setTimeMin(timemin: int)void

Setting the minimal horizon timestep

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSession(*args)

Bases: object

Nothing can be done in Artelys Kalis outside a KSession object. All the problems stated and solved must be held by such an object : for this reason the creation of a KSession object is the first thing to do at the beginning of the program.

The KSession class has one main functionality :
  • license checking : when created, the KSession object will look for a valid license of the software

The syntax for the creation of a KSession object is the following :

KSession mySession(false);

This statement creates a KSession object variable named mySession with no printing of the banner. We could have created our KSession using this syntax :

KSession mySession;

In this case, the banner would have been printed.

Since: 2016.1



Return current version of library


Return current version of library

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSettleDisjunction(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

KSettleDisjunction branching scheme

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KSettleDisjunction();

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestDomDegRatio(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the smallest ratio domain size / degree in the constraint graph.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomDegRatio(),KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest domain.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KSmallestDomain(),KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestEarliestCompletionTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Smallest Earliest Completion time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestEarliestStartTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Smallest Earliest Start time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


Return a copy of this task selector

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

Return a copy of this task selector

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestLatestCompletionTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Smallest Latest Completion time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestLatestStartTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Smallest Latest Start time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestMax(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects first the variable with the smallest upperbound.


KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KSmallestMax(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestMin(*args)

Bases: kalis.KVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the smallest value in its domain.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KAssignVar(KSmallestMin(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSmallestTargetStartTime(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Smallest Target Start time task selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSolution(*args)

Bases: object

This class represents a solution of a KProblem.

Example :

KProblem p(...);
KSolver solver(p);
KSolution sol = p.getSolution();

See also: KProblem

Since: 2016.1



Return the objective value of the solution if applicable


Overload 1: Return the instantiation of a variable in the solution


Return the objective value of the solution if applicable


Overload 1: Return the instantiation of a variable in the solution

Overload 2: Return the instantiation of a variable in the solution

Overload 3: Return the instantiation of the variable in the solution

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSolutionArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.solutionlist

An array of KSolution objects

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSolutionContainer(*args)

Bases: object

This class represent a pool of solution of a KProblem. Example:

KProblem p(...);
KSolver solver(p);
KSolution sol = p.getSolutionContainer().getBestSolution();

See also: KProblem Since: 2016.1



Add a new solution of the solution container


Remove all solutions from the solution container


Return the best solution found (if applicable)


Return the last solution found


Return the number of solutions found


Return solution by index


Return true if the problem as at least one solution

add(solution: KSolution)void

Add a new solution of the solution container


Remove all solutions from the solution container

getBestSolution()KSolution &

Return the best solution found (if applicable)

getLastSolution()KSolution &

Return the last solution found


Return the number of solutions found

getSolution(index: int const)KSolution &

Return solution by index


Return true if the problem as at least one solution

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSolver(*args)

Bases: object

KSolver is the main class for solving problems defined in a KProblem instance.

Once the problem has been fully built, we can begin to look for solutions. For this, the main class to be used is KSolver, which allows us to :

  • look for one solution

  • look for all solutions

  • look for another solution when we already know some of them

  • look for the optimal solution according to the problem objective

A KSolver object must be associated to a specific problem. Here is how we can declare and create a KSolver which will be associated to our problem :

KSolver mySolver(myProblem);

When performing its solving functionalities, our object mySolver will store all solutions in the myProblem object. Retrieving these solutions and working on them is the subject of the next section.

In order to find only one solution to our problem, we would write:


The solve() method looks for any valid solution and stores it in the associated KProblem object.

In order to fine all solutions to the problem, we would write :


The findAllSolutions() method searches for all solutions of the problem and stores them in the associated KProblem object.

When the problem is too large, it can be very time consuming to search for all solutions. If one needs to obtain more than one unique solution, then he should use the KSolver findNextSolution() method. For example :

for (int solutionIndex = 0; solutionIndex < 5; ++solutionIndex)

The findNextSolution() method searches for the next solution and stop in a restartable state. To go back to the state before search, it is necessary to call the endLookingForSolution() method after the successive calls to findNextSolution().

In order to find the optimal solution to the problem, we would write:


The optimize() method searches for the optimal solutions according to the problem objective and stores it in the associated KProblem object.

In order to fine tune the search, one may set integer or double control parameters using the setIntControl() and setDblControl() methods.

Statistics on the search can be obtained using the getIntAttrib() and getDblAttrib() methods.

Multi-threaded search is automatically activated provided that the KProblem object holds multiple problem instances and that the KSolver::NumberOfThreads control parameter is greater than 1.

See also: KProblem

Version: 2016.1


addRelaxationSolver(solver[, …])

Add a relaxation solver


Stop looking for solutions and restore the state before search


Search for all solutions to the problem


Start looking for a solution to the problem or look for a new one


Return a pointer to the current branching object


Return the current branching scheme


Return the current value selector


Return the current variable selector


Return a double attribute of the solver.


Return the value of a double control


Return the default branching scheme array


Return a integer attribute of the solver.


Return the value of an int control


Get the KProblem instance


Return the shaving activation flag


Do a local optimization

optimize([optimizeWithRestart, dichotomicSearch])

Search for an optimal solution to the problem.

setBranchFunctionPtr(ptr1, ptr2, param)

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener


Sets the branching scheme array

setBranchingSchemeFunctionPtr(ptr1, param)

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

setDblControl(control, value)

Set the value of a double control

setIntControl(control, value)

Set the value of an int control

setNodeFunctionPtr(ptr, param)

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

setSolutionFunctionPtr(ptr, param)

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener


Set the solver event listener for tracking and controlling the search


Use reducing cost fixing


Search for a solution to the problem


Set shaving activation flag

Backtracks = 4

Number of backtracks.

BestBound = 1

Best bound on the optimal solution.

CallBackTime = 2

Time spent in callbacks

CheckSolutionStatus = 5

Check each solution for validity.

ClearExistingSolutions = 10

Control to clear or not the existing solutions before an optimization: 1 for yes (default), 0 for no

ComputationTime = 0

Total computation time.

Depth = 1

Depth of the search tree.

LastCallPropagationIter = 8

Fix point iterations during last propagation.

LastCallPropagationTime = 6

Time elapsed during last propagation.

MaxComputationTime = 0

Maximum computation time.

MaxDepth = 2

Maximum depth of the search tree.

MaxNumberOfBackTracks = 3

Maximum number of backtracks during search.

MaxNumberOfNodes = 0

Maximum number of nodes to explore.

MaxNumberOfNodesBetweenSolutions = 6

Maximum number of nodes between two succesive solutions.

MaxNumberOfSolutions = 1

Maximum number of solutions to find.

MaxReachedDepth = 9

Maximum depth reached during search.

NumberOfNodes = 0

Number of nodes explored.

NumberOfSolutionBetweenRestarts = 9

Number of solutions between search restarts : less or equal to 0 (default) for no restarts.

NumberOfThreads = 7

Number of threads to be used during search. This control parameter is automatically limited by the number of instances in the KProblem object.

OptimalityRelativeTolerance = 2

Relative optimality tolerance (default value: 0.000001 for continuous objective, 0 for integer objective).

OptimalityRelativeToleranceReached = 2

Optimality relative tolerance has been reached. See also: OptimalityRelativeTolerance

OptimalityTolerance = 1

Absolute optimality tolerance (default value: 0.000001 for continuous objective, 1 for integer objective).

OptimalityToleranceReached = 1

Optimality absolute tolerance has been reached. See also: OptimalityTolerance

OptimizationAlgorithm = 8

Algorithm used for optimization: less or equal to 0 (default) for branch and bound, 1 for binary search on objective interval, 2 for n-ary search on objective interval (available for multi-threaded optimization only).

SearchLimitReached = 2

Limit reached during resolution. See also: SearchLimitAttrib

SearchLimitUnreached = 0

Search has not been limited

SearchLimitedByBacktracks = 5

Search has been limited by maximum number of backtracks. See also: MaxNumberOfBackTracks

SearchLimitedByDepth = 3

Search has been limited by maximal tree search depth. See also: MaxDepth

SearchLimitedByNodes = 1

Search has been limited by maximum number of nodes explored. See also: MaxNumberOfNodes

SearchLimitedByNodesBetweenSolutions = 6

Search has been limited by maximum nodes between two solutions. See also: MaxNumberOfNodesBetweenSolutions

SearchLimitedBySolutions = 2

Search has been limited by maximum number of solutions found. See also: MaxNumberOfSolutions

SearchLimitedByTime = 4

Search has been limited by time. See also: MaxComputationTime

SearchLimitedByUser = 7

Search has been limited by user.

StatsPrinting = 4

Print search statistics each KSolver::StatsPrinting seconds (at max).

ToleranceLimitReached = 3

Tolerance limit reached during resolution. See also: ToleranceLimitAttrib

ToleranceLimitUnreached = 0

Tolerance limit has not been reached.

TotalPropagationIter = 7

Total fix point iterations for propagation.

TotalPropagationTime = 5

Total time elapsed during propagation.

addRelaxationSolver(solver: KLinearRelaxationSolver, initDefaultBranchingScheme: bool = False)void

Add a relaxation solver


Stop looking for solutions and restore the state before search


Search for all solutions to the problem

Return type



number of solutions found

See also: IntControls DblControls


Start looking for a solution to the problem or look for a new one

Return type



0 if no solution was found

See also: IntControls DblControls

getCurrentBranchingObject()void *

Return a pointer to the current branching object


Return the current branching scheme


Return the current value selector


Return the current variable selector

getDblAttrib(attrib: KSolver::DblAttrib)double

Return a double attribute of the solver.


attrib (int) – the double attribute to retrieve

See also: DblAttrib

getDblControl(control: KSolver::DblControl)double

Return the value of a double control


control (int) – double control to retrieve

See also: DblControl

getDefaultBranchingSchemeArray()KBranchingSchemeArray *

Return the default branching scheme array

getIntAttrib(attrib: KSolver::IntAttrib)int

Return a integer attribute of the solver.


attrib (int) – the integer attribute to retrieve

See also: IntAttrib

getIntControl(control: KSolver::IntControl)int

Return the value of an int control


control (int) – integer control to retrieve

See also: IntControl

getProblem()KProblem *

Get the KProblem instance


Return the shaving activation flag


Do a local optimization

optimize(optimizeWithRestart: bool const = False, dichotomicSearch: bool const = False)int

Search for an optimal solution to the problem.

  • optimizeWithRestart (boolean, optional) – boolean indicating if the search has to be restarted after finding a solution (See also: NumberOfSolutionBetweenRestarts)

  • dichotomicSearch (boolean, optional) – boolean indicating the type of search (linear or dichotomic) to optimize the objective variable (See also: OptimizationAlgorithm)

Return type



0 if no solution was found

See also: IntControls DblControls

setBranchFunctionPtr(ptr1: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, ptr2: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, param: void *)void

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

Set the branch explored function ptr (called each time a branch is explored)

  • ptr – function pointer

  • param (void) – user parameter passed to the function when called

setBranchingSchemeArray(branchingSchemeArray: KBranchingSchemeArray, solverInstance: int = - 1)void

Sets the branching scheme array

setBranchingSchemeFunctionPtr(ptr1: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, param: void *)void

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

Set the Branching scheme switch function ptr

  • ptr – function pointer

  • param (void) – user parameter passed to the function when called

setDblControl(control: KSolver::DblControl, value: double)void

Set the value of a double control

  • control (int) – tjhe double control to set

  • value (float) – value of the control

See also: DblControl

setIntControl(control: KSolver::IntControl, value: int)void

Set the value of an int control

  • control (int) – the int control to set

  • value (int) – the value of the control

See also: IntControl

setNodeFunctionPtr(ptr: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, param: void *)void

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

Set the node explored function ptr

  • ptr (int) – function pointer

  • param (void) – user parameter passed to the function when called

setSolutionFunctionPtr(ptr: KalisCallBackFunctionPtr, param: void *)void

Deprecated: See also: setSolverEventListener

Set the solution function ptr (called each time a solution is found)

  • ptr (int) – function pointer

  • param (void) – user parameter passed to the function when called

setSolverEventListener(listener: KSolverEventListener)void

Set the solver event listener for tracking and controlling the search

See also: KSolverEventListener

setUseReducedCostFixing(flag: bool)void

Use reducing cost fixing


Search for a solution to the problem

Return type



0 if no solution was found, 1 otherwise

See also: IntControl DblControl

property thisown

The membership flag

useShaving(use: bool)void

Set shaving activation flag

class kalis.KSolverEventListener(*args)

Bases: object

Callbacks for a KSolver events.



Called after each branchGoDown event


Called after each branchGoUp event


Called after each bracnhing scheme switch


Called after constraint propagation in each node


Ask user for termination at each node

branchGoDown(thread: int)void

Called after each branchGoDown event

branchGoUp(thread: int)void

Called after each branchGoUp event


Called after each bracnhing scheme switch

nodeExplored(thread: int)void

Called after constraint propagation in each node


Ask user for termination at each node

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSplitDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

SplitDomain Branching scheme

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KSplitDomain(KSmallestDomain(),KMaxToMin());

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KSplitNumDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

SplitDomain Branching scheme

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray myBranchingSchemeArray;
myBranchingSchemeArray += KSplitNumDomain(KSmallestDomain(),KMaxToMin());

See also: KBranchingScheme KAssignVar KAssignAndForbid KSettleDisjunction KProbe KSplitNumDomain

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTask(*args)

Bases: object

Tasks (processing operations, activities) are represented by the class KTask. This object contains three variables :
  • a start variable representing the starting time of the task

  • an end variable representing the ending time of the task

  • a duration variable representing the duration of the task

These three structural variables are linked by Artelys-Kalis with the following constraint :

start + duration = end

The starting time variable represents two specific parameters of the task:
  • the Earliest Starting Time (EST represented by the start variable lower bound)

  • and its Latest Starting Time (LST represented by the start variable upper bound)

The end variable represents two specific parameters of the task:
  • the Earliest Completion Time (ECT represented by the end variable lower bound)

  • and its Latest Completion Time (LCT represented by the end variable upper bound)

The duration variable represents two specific parameters of the task:
  • the minimum task duration (Dmin represented by the duration variable lower bound)

  • the maximum task duration (Dmax represented by the duration variable upper bound)

Since: 2016.1



Overload 1:


Overload 1:

endsBefore(task[, delay])

State that this task ends delay time unit before the completion of the given task


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource requirement of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource consumtion of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Return the constant duration of this task or the lowerbound if duration is not constant


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the duration of this task


Return the earliest completion time of this task


Return the earliest starting time of this task


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the ending date of this task


Return the id of this task


Return the latest completion time of this task


Return the latest starting time of this task

getMaximalProduction(resource, tslot)

Return the maximal resource production for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot

getMaximalProvision(resource, tslot)

Return the maximal resource provision for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot


Return the maximum duration of this task

getMinimalConsumption(resource, tslot)

Return the minimal resource consumption for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot

getMinimalRequirement(resource, tslot)

Return the minimal resource requirement for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot


Return the minimum duration of this task


Return the name of this task


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource production of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource provision of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource requirement of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Pretty printing of the task to stdout


Return the setup time between the current task and the one passed in parameter


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the product requirement * duration


Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the starting date of this task


Return true IFF this task is fixed (Start,End,Duration, and resource utilizations variables are instantiated)

postEndToEndMaxC(task[, Max])

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the completion of task task cannot exceed Max time units

postEndToStartMaxC(task[, Max])

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task cannot exceed Max time units

postEndToStartMinC(task[, Min])

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task must exceed Min time units

postStartToStartMinC(task[, Min])

State that the distance between the start of this task and the start of task task must exceed Min time units


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Set the duration of this task to duration


Set the earliest completion time of this task


Set the earliest starting time of this task


Set the ending time of this task to endTime


Set the latest completion time of this task


Set the latest starting time of this task


Set the maximum duration of this task


Set the minimum duration of this task


Set the name of this task

setSetupTime(task, before, after)

Set the sequence dependent setup time between the current task,and the one passed in parameters to before/after


Set the starting time of this task to startTime

startsAfter(task[, delay])

State that this task starts delay time unit after the completion of the given task

Overload 1:

Add a resource usage consumption for this task

Overload 2:

Add optional resources usages consumptions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 3:

Add optional resources usages consumptions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 4:

Add optional resources usages consumptions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 5:

State that this ressource consumes ( non-renewable ) consumption unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the involved resource

  • consumption (int) – the resource consumption

Overload 6:

State that this ressource consumes ( non-renewable ) between consumptionmin and consumptionmax unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • consumptionmin (int) – the minimal resource consumption

  • consumptionmax (int) – the maximal resource consumption

Overload 7:

State that this ressource consumes ( non-renewable ) one unit of resource resource

Overload 1:

Pretty printing the task

Overload 2:

Pretty printing of the task with a PrintFunctionPtr

endsBefore(task: KTask, delay: int = 0)void

State that this task ends delay time unit before the completion of the given task

  • task (KTask) – the task before the current task

  • delay (int, optional) – the time distance between the two tasks

getAssignmentVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource requirement of this task for resource r if any or nullptr

getConsumesVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource consumtion of this task for resource r if any or nullptr


Return the constant duration of this task or the lowerbound if duration is not constant

getDurationVar()KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the duration of this task


Return the earliest completion time of this task


Return the earliest starting time of this task

getEndDateVar()KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the ending date of this task


Return the id of this task


Return the latest completion time of this task


Return the latest starting time of this task

getMaximalProduction(resource: kalis.KResource, tslot: int)int

Return the maximal resource production for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot

getMaximalProvision(resource: kalis.KResource, tslot: int)int

Return the maximal resource provision for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot


Return the maximum duration of this task

getMinimalConsumption(resource: kalis.KResource, tslot: int)int

Return the minimal resource consumption for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot

getMinimalRequirement(resource: kalis.KResource, tslot: int)int

Return the minimal resource requirement for this task and the resource in parameters at time step tslot


Return the minimum duration of this task

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task

getProducesVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource production of this task for resource r if any or nullptr

getProvidesVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource provision of this task for resource r if any or nullptr

getRequiresVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the resource requirement of this task for resource r if any or nullptr

getSchedule()KSchedule *

Pretty printing of the task to stdout

getSetupTime(task: kalis.KTask)int

Return the setup time between the current task and the one passed in parameter

getSizeVar(r: KResource)KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the product requirement * duration

getStartDateVar()KIntVar *

Return a pointer to the KIntVar representing the starting date of this task


Return true IFF this task is fixed (Start,End,Duration, and resource utilizations variables are instantiated)

postEndToEndMaxC(task: KTask, Max: int = 0)void

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the completion of task task cannot exceed Max time units

  • task (KTask) – the task

  • Max (int, optional) – the distance between the completion of this task and the completion of task task

postEndToStartMaxC(task: KTask, Max: int = 0)void

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task cannot exceed Max time units

  • task (KTask) – the task

  • Max (int, optional) – the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task

postEndToStartMinC(task: KTask, Min: int = 0)void

State that the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task must exceed Min time units

  • task (KTask) – the task

  • Min (int, optional) – the distance between the completion of this task and the start of task task

postStartToStartMinC(task: KTask, Min: int = 0)void

State that the distance between the start of this task and the start of task task must exceed Min time units

  • task (KTask) – the task

  • Min (int, optional) – the distance between the start of this task and the start of task task

Overload 1:

Add a resource usage production for this task

Overload 2:

Add optional resources usages productions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 3:

Add optional resources usages productions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 4:

Add optional resources usages productions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 5:

State that this ressource produces ( non-renewable ) production unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • production (int) – the resource production

Overload 6:

State that this ressource produces ( non-renewable ) between productionmin and productionmax unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • productionmin (int) – the minimal resource production

  • productionmax (int) – the maximal resource production

Overload 7:

State that this ressource produces ( non-renewable ) one unit of resource resource

Overload 1:

Add a resource usage provision for this task

Overload 2:

Add optional resources usages provisions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 3:

Add optional resources usages provisions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 4:

Add optional resources usages provisions for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 5:

State that this ressource provides ( renewable ) provision unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • provision (int) – the resource provision

Overload 6:

State that this ressource provides ( renewable ) between provisionmin and ‘provisionmax unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • provisionmin (int) – the minimal resource provision

  • provisionmax (int) – the maximal resource provision

Overload 7:

State that this ressource provides ( renewable ) one unit of resource resource

Overload 1:

Add a resource usage requirement for this task

Overload 2:

Add optional resources usages requirements for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 3:

Add optional resources usages requirements for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 4:

Add optional resources usages requirements for this task and ensure that between [min..max] of theses requirements are satisfied

Overload 5:

State that this ressource requires ( renewable ) requirement unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • requirement (int) – the resource requirement

Overload 6:

State that this ressource requires ( renewable ) between requirementmin and ‘requirementmax unit of resource resource

  • resource (KResource) – the resource

  • requirementmin (int) – the minimal resource requirement

  • requirementmax (int) – the maximal resource requirement

Overload 7:

State that this ressource requires ( renewable ) one unit of resource resource

setDuration(duration: int)void

Set the duration of this task to duration

setEarliestCompletionTime(time: int)void

Set the earliest completion time of this task

setEarliestStartTime(time: int)void

Set the earliest starting time of this task

setEndTime(endTime: int)void

Set the ending time of this task to endTime

setLatestCompletionTime(time: int)void

Set the latest completion time of this task

setLatestStartTime(time: int)void

Set the latest starting time of this task

setMaximumDuration(durationmax: int)void

Set the maximum duration of this task

setMinimumDuration(durationmin: int)void

Set the minimum duration of this task

setName(name: char const *)void

Set the name of this task

setSetupTime(task: KTask, before: int, after: int)void

Set the sequence dependent setup time between the current task,and the one passed in parameters to before/after

setStartTime(startTime: int)void

Set the starting time of this task to startTime

startsAfter(task: KTask, delay: int = 0)void

State that this task starts delay time unit after the completion of the given task

  • task (KTask) – the task before the current task

  • delay (int, optional) – the time distance between the two tasks

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTaskArray(*args)

Bases: kalis.tasklist

This class implements an array of KTask

Example :

KSchedule  s(...);

// T is an array of KTask T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
KTaskArray T(s,5,0,10,"T");

See also: KIntVar

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTaskInputOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Tasks input order selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTaskRandomOrder(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTaskSelector

Tasks random order selection heuristic



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTaskSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for task selection heuristic A custom scheduling optimization strategy can be specified by using the KTaskSerializer branching scheme to select the task to be scheduled and value choice heuristics for its start and duration variables.

See also: KSmallestEarliestStartTime KSmallestEarliestCompletionTime

KLargestEarliestStartTime KLargestEarliestCompletionTime KSmallestLatestStartTime KSmallestLatestCompletionTime KLargestLatestStartTime KLargestLatestCompletionTime

Since: 2016.1



Return a copy of this task selector


Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing


virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics

getCopyPtr()KTaskSelector *

Return a copy of this task selector

Return type



a copy of this task selector

getName()char const *

Return the name of this task selector


Pretty printing

selectNextTask(taskArray: KTaskArray)KTask *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own task selection heuristics


intVarArray – Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTaskSerializer(*args)

Bases: kalis.KBranchingScheme

Task-based branching strategy

A custom scheduling optimization strategy can be specified by using the KTaskSerializer branching scheme to select the task to be scheduled and value choice heuristics for its start, duration and assignments variables.

See also: KSmallestEarliestStartTime KSmallestEarliestCompletionTime

KLargestEarliestStartTime KLargestEarliestCompletionTime KSmallestLatestStartTime KSmallestLatestCompletionTime KLargestLatestStartTime KLargestLatestCompletionTime

Since: 2016.1



Get a copy pointer


Variable branching order: * affectations * duration * start time


Variable branching order: * affectations * start time * duration


Variable branching order: * duration * affectations * start time


Variable branching order: * duration * start time * affectations


Variable branching order: * start time * affectations * duration


Variable branching order: * start time * duration * affectations

getCopyPtr()KBranchingScheme *

Get a copy pointer

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTasksRankConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

Constraint linking tasks and rank variables for unary scheduling.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTerm(*args)

Bases: object

Superclass of KUnTerm and KBinTerm



Get method


Set the constant


Get method

setCste(cste: double const)void

Set the constant

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTimeTable(*args)

Bases: object

Timetable object for time-dependant resource usage constraint.

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KTupleArray

Bases: object

This class implements an array of tuples of fixed arity

Example :

KTupleArray tupleArray(3);
KIntArray tuple(3, 1, 2, 3);
tupleArray += tuple;
// tupleArray = { (1,2,3) }
tuple[0] = 3;
tuple[2] = 2;
tuple[3] = 1;
// tupleArray = { (1,2,3), (3,2,1) }

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KUnTerm(*args)

Bases: kalis.KTerm

This class represent an expression of the form X + cste where X is a variable

and cste , an integer constant

See also: KBinTerm KLinTerm

Since: 2016.1



return true if the sign of the first variable is positive


return a pointer to the first variable


return true if the sign of the first variable is positive

getV1()KNumVar *

return a pointer to the first variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KUnaryResource(*args)

Bases: kalis.KResource

Unary Resource

Unary resources can process only one task at a time.

The following schema shows an example with three tasks A,B and C executing on a disjunctive resource and on a cumulative resource with resource usage 3 for task A, 1 for task B and 1 for task C :

Tasks may require, provide, consume and produce resources :
  • A task requires a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the activity. The capacity is renewable which means that the required capacity is available after the end of the task.

  • A task provides a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task. The capacity is renewable which means that the provided capacity is available only during the execution of the task.

  • A task consumes a resource if some amount of the resource capacity must be made available for the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the consumed capacity if no longer available at the end of the task.

  • A task produces a resource if some amount of the resource capacity is made available through the execution of the task and the capacity is non-renewable which means that the produced capacity is definitively available after the starting of the task.

Disjunctions = 4

Disjunction propagation scheme

TasksIntervals = 2

Tasks Intervals propagation scheme

TimeTabling = 1

TimeTabling propagation scheme

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KUnaryResourceConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This constraint states that some tasks are not overlapping chronologically.

Resources (machines, raw material etc) can be of two different types :
  • Disjunctive when the resource can process only one task at a time (represented by the class KUnaryResource).

  • Cumulative when the resource can process several tasks at the same time (represented by the class KDiscreteResource).

Traditional examples of disjunctive resources are Jobshop problems, cumulative resources are heavily used for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). Note that a disjunctive resource is semantically equivalent to a cumulative resource with maximal capacity one and unit resource usage for each task using this resource but this equivalence does not hold in terms of constraint propagation.

The following schema shows an example with three tasks A,B and C executing on a disjunctive resource and on a cumulative resource with resource usage 3 for task A, 1 for task B and 1 for task C :

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KUserConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

Abstract interface class for definition of user constraints

To create your own constraints in Artelys Kalis, you must create a specific class that inherits from the KUserConstraint class. Then, you need to implement the pruning scheme corresponding to the semantic of your constraint by overloading the propagate method or awakeOnXXX methods for incremental propagation of the constraint

  • the awake method is launched one time upon initialization of the constraint

  • the awakeOnInf method is launched when the lowerbound of a variable increase

  • the awakeOnSup method is launched when the upperbound of a variable decrease

  • the awakeOnRem method is lanched when a specific value has been removed from the domain of a variable

  • the awakeOnInst method is launched when a variable has been instantiated to a value

  • the awakeOnVar method is launched when the domain of one specific variable has changed

  • the propagate method is launched when one or more variables have seen their domain modified

  • askIfEntailed method is called when the constraints is used within a boolean connector (KGuard, KEquiv, KDisjunction, KConjunction).

    It should return :

    • CTRUE whenever the constraint is definitively verified

    • CFALSE whenever the constraint is definitively violated

    • CUNKNOWN otherwhise

The awake, propagate and print methods <u>must<u> be overloaded (pure virtual functions). The default behavior of the awakeOnInf, awakeOnSup, awakeOnInst, awakeOnVar and awakeOnRem is to call the propagate method.

Additionally, it is necessary to implement the getInstanceCopyPtr(const KProblem& problem) that returns a copy pointer of the user constraint by calling the KProblem::getCopyPtr() on each modelling object used in the constraint.

Here is an example of user defined constraint definition : V1 == V2 % modulo

// ModuloConstraint class inherits from KUserConstraint class
class ModuloConstraint : public KUserConstraint {

        // Modulo constant
        int _modulo;
        // Variables V1 and V2
        KIntVar* _v1;
        KIntVar* _v2;

        // Primary constructor of the constraint V1 == V2 % modulo
        ModuloConstraint(KIntVar &v1, KIntVar &v2, const int modulo);
        // Destructor
        virtual ~ModuloConstraint();
        // Virtual copy method
        virtual KConstraint* getInstanceCopyPtr(const KProblem& problem) const;
        // Propagation methods
        virtual void awake(void);
        virtual void propagate(void);
        virtual void awakeOnInst(KIntVar & var);
        virtual void print();
        // For use within boolean connectors
        virtual int askIfEntailed(void);

// Main constructor
ModuloConstraint::ModuloConstraint(KIntVar &v1, KIntVar &v2, const int modulo) : KUserConstraint(v1,v2) {
        _modulo = modulo;
        _v1 = &v1;
        _v2 = &v2;

// Destructor
ModuloConstraint::~ModuloConstraint() {

// Virtual copy method
KConstraint * ModuloConstraintXYC::getInstanceCopyPtr(const KProblem& problem) const {
        return new ModuloConstraintXYC(*problem.getInstanceOf(_v1), *problem.getInstanceOf(_v2), _modulo);

// initial propagation of the constraint
void ModuloConstraint::awake() {

// Some variables of the constraints have seen their domain reduced... must propagate the changes
void ModuloConstraint::propagate() {
        int v0, v1;
        std::cout << "ModuloConstraint#Propagate()" << std::endl;
        // V1 is trivialy bounded by 0 <= V1 <= modulo - 1
        // Arc consistent filtering
        // First from V1 to V2
        for ( v1 = _v2.getInf();v1<=_v2.getSup();v1 ++) {
                bool supporte = false;
                for ( v0 = _v1.getInf();v0<=_v1.getSup();v0 ++) {
                        // check if v0 == v1 % _modulo hold
                        if ( v0 == v1 % _modulo)  {
                                // value v0 is a support for value v1 of variable V2
                                supporte = true;
                if ( !supporte) {
                // no support was found for value v1 of variable V2 so we can safely remove it from its domain
        // Then from V2 to V1
        for ( v0 = _v1.getInf(); v0 <= _v1.getSup(); v0++) {
                bool supporte = false;
                for ( v1 = _v2.getInf(); v1 <= _v2.getSup(); v1++) {
                        // check if v0 == v1 % _modulo hold
                        if ( v0 == v1 % _modulo)  {
                                // value v1 is a support for value v0 of variable V1
                                supporte = true;
                if ( !supporte) {
                // no support was found for value v0 of variable V1 so we can safely remove it from its domain


int ModuloConstraint::askIfEntailed() {
        if (_v1.getIsInstantiated() && _v2.getIsInstantiated() ) {
                if ( _v1.getValue() == _v2.getValue() % _modulo ) {
                        // The constraint is definitly verified
                        return CTRUE;
                else {
                        // The constraint is definitly violated
                        return CFALSE;
        else {
                // Don't know yet if the constraint is definitly violated or verified
                return CUNKNOWN;

// The variable "var" has been instantiated to var.getValue()
void ModuloConstraint::awakeOnInst(KIntVar & var) {
        int v;

        std::cout << "ModuloConstraint#awakeOnInst" << std::endl;

        if ( var.isEqualTo(_v1) ) {
                //  V1 was instantiated
                for ( v = _v2.getInf();v<=_v2.getSup();v ++) {
                        if (_v1.getValue() != v % _modulo)
        else if ( var.isEqualTo(_v2) ) {
                //  V2 was instantiated
                for ( v = _v1.getInf();v<=_v1.getSup();v ++) {
                        if ( v != _v2.getValue() % _modulo)

// For pretty printing purposes
void ModuloConstraint::print() {
        std::cout << "ModuloConstraint";
KProblem problem(...);
KIntVar A(problem, "A", 0, 20);
KIntVar B(problem, "B", 0, 10);
// Now creating the constraint A == B % 7
ModuloConstraint modCst(A, B, 7);
// Now posting the constraint to the problem;
// ...

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1



Virtual method for use within boolean connectors


Virtual method called upon initialization of the constraint


Virtual method called when the lower bound of var has been raised


Virtual method called when the variable var has been instantiated

awakeOnRem(var, removedValue)

Virtual method called when the value removedValue has been removed from the domain of var


Virtual method called when the upper bound of var has been lowered


Virtual method called when the domain of variable var has changed


Virtual copy method.


Virtual instance copy method.


Linear Relaxation


Virtual method called when the domain of some or several variables has changed


Constraint is proven false


Constraint is proven true


Unkown status of constraint


Virtual method for use within boolean connectors

Return type



CTRUE whenever the constraint is definitively satisfied

Return type



CFALSE whenever the constraint is definitively violated

Return type



CUNKNOWN otherwhise


Virtual method called upon initialization of the constraint

awakeOnInf(var: KIntVar)void

Virtual method called when the lower bound of var has been raised

awakeOnInst(var: KIntVar)void

Virtual method called when the variable var has been instantiated


var (KIntVar) – the variable with modified domain

awakeOnRem(var: KIntVar, removedValue: int)void

Virtual method called when the value removedValue has been removed from the domain of var

  • var (KIntVar) – the variable with modified domain

  • removedValue (int) – the value that has been removed from the domain of var

awakeOnSup(var: KIntVar)void

Virtual method called when the upper bound of var has been lowered


var (KIntVar) – the variable with modified domain

awakeOnVar(var: KIntVar)void

Virtual method called when the domain of variable var has changed


var (KIntVar) – the variable with modified domain

getCopyPtr()KConstraint *

Virtual copy method. Must be implemented by the user.

getInstanceCopyPtr(problem: KProblem)KConstraint *

Virtual instance copy method. Each modeling elements stored (and used) in the user constraint must be copied using the KProblem::getInstanceOf() methods. Must be implemented by the user when solving problems in parallel.

getLinearRelaxation(strategy: int)KLinearRelaxation *

Linear Relaxation


Virtual method called when the domain of some or several variables has changed

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KUserNumConstraint(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

The KUserNumConstraint is the generic counterpart to the KUserConstraint for implementing user constraints when using numeric variables.



Virtual method for use within boolean connectors


Virtual method called upon initialization of the constraint


Virtual method called when the lower bound of var has been raised


Virtual method called when the variable var has been instantiated

awakeOnRem(var, removedValue)

Virtual method called when the value removedValue has been removed from the domain of var


Virtual method called when the upper bound of var has been lowered


Virtual method called when the domain of variable var has changed


Virtual copy method.


Virtual instance copy method.


Virtual method called when the domain of some or several variables has changed


Virtual method for use within boolean connectors

Return type



CTRUE whenever the constraint is definitively satisfied

Return type



CFALSE whenever the constraint is definitively violated

Return type



CUNKNOWN otherwhise


Virtual method called upon initialization of the constraint

awakeOnInf(var: KNumVar)void

Virtual method called when the lower bound of var has been raised

awakeOnInst(var: KNumVar)void

Virtual method called when the variable var has been instantiated


var (KNumVar) – the variable with modified domain

awakeOnRem(var: KIntVar, removedValue: int)void

Virtual method called when the value removedValue has been removed from the domain of var

  • var (KIntVar) – the variable with modified domain

  • removedValue (int) – the value that has been removed from the domain of var

awakeOnSup(var: KNumVar)void

Virtual method called when the upper bound of var has been lowered


var (KNumVar) – the variable with modified domain

awakeOnVar(var: KNumVar)void

Virtual method called when the domain of variable var has changed


var (KNumVar) – the variable with modified domain

getCopyPtr()KConstraint *

Virtual copy method. Must be implemented by the user.

getInstanceCopyPtr(problem: KProblem)KConstraint *

Virtual instance copy method. Each modeling elements stored (and used) in the user constraint must be copied using the KProblem::getCopyPtr() method. Must be implemented by the user when solving problems in parallel.


Virtual method called when the domain of some or several variables has changed

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KValueSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for value selection heuristic

See also: KMaxToMin KMinToMax KMiddle KRandomValue KNearestValue

Since: 2016.1



Return the current problem


Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.

getProblem()KProblem *

Return the current problem

selectNextValue(intVar: kalis.KIntVar)int

Virtual method to overload with your own value selection heuristic.


intVar (KIntVar) – the variable to selects a value for

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KVariableSelector(*args)

Bases: object

Abstract interface class for variable selection heuristic

See also: KSmallestDomain KMaxDegree KSmallestMin KSmallestMax KLargestMin

KLargestMax KRandomVariable KSmallestDomDegRatio KMaxRegretOnLowerBound KMaxRegretOnUpperBound

Since: 2016.1



virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics

selectNextVariable(intVarArray: KIntVarArray)KIntVar *
virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics
type intVarArray


param intVarArray

Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KWidestDomain(*args)

Bases: kalis.KNumVariableSelector

This class implements a variable selector that selects the first uninstantiated variable with the widest domain.

Example :

KBranchingSchemeArray bsa;
bsa += KSplitNumDomain(KWidestDomain(), KMaxToMin();

See also: KNumVariableSelector

Since: 2016.1



virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

selectNextVariable(numVarArray: KNumVarArray)KNumVar *

virtual interface method to overload for definition of your own variable selection heuristics :param intVarArray: Array of variable from wich selecting a variable

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KXEqualYMinusZ(*args)

Bases: kalis.KConstraint

This class creates a X == Y - Z constraint

Example :

KIntVar X(...);
KIntVar Y(...);
KIntVar Z(...);
// ... == Y - Z);
//  or,Y,Z));

See also: KConstraint

Since: 2016.1

property thisown

The membership flag

class kalis.KXPRSLinearRelaxationSolver(*args)

Bases: kalis.KLinearRelaxationSolver

This linear relaxation solver relies on XPress Optimizer to solve the LP/MIP problem.


// ...
KProblem myProblem(mySession,"");
// ...
KLinearRelaxation * relax = myProblem.getLinearRelaxation();
KXPRSLinearRelaxationSolver mySolver(*relax, objectiveVar, KProblem::Minimize);

You must have XPress Optimizer installed to use this.

Since: 2016.1



Print the internal state of the solver.


Generate cuts.


Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.


Get the bound computed by the solver (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver).


Overload 1:


Overload 1:


Get the number of global variables.


Overload 1:


Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver.


Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Print the current solution.


Print variables name and their rank.


Set MIPRELSTOP double control.


Set objective variable.


Activate or deactivate presolve.


Call (XPress-Optimizer) and return an error code (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver for its meaning).


Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


Write the current problem to a file in lp format.


Print the internal state of the solver. Use is discouraged, use method writeLP to output the content of the solver.

generateCuts(relaxation: KLinearRelaxation)void

Generate cuts.

If possible, cuts are added to the matrix of constraints to make the relaxation tighter and improve the bound.


Get the best bound in a branch and bound tree.

Useful if search terminated before optimality.


Get the bound computed by the solver (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver).

Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.


var (KNumVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current LP solution for a KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked

Overload 1:

Get the current MIP solution for a KNumVar variable.

type var


param var

variable whose value is checked

Overload 2:

Get the current MIP solution for a KAuxVar variable.


var (KAuxVar) – variable whose value is checked


Get the number of global variables.

Return type



number of global variables


Overload 1:

Get reduced costs. Note that LP solve is must be complete.


var (KNumVar) – the variable whose reduced cost in the current LP solution is retrieved

Return type



reduced cost value

Overload 2:

Get reduced costs. Note that LP solve must be complete.


var (KAuxVar) – the variable whose reduced cost in the current LP solution is retrieved

Return type



reduced cost value

getSolutionPtr()KHybridSolution *

Get a pointer to the solution contained in the solver. Method updateSolution must be used before the call.

instantiateNumVarToCurrentSol(var: KNumVar)void

Instantiate a variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver


Instantiate variables to current solution obtained by linear relaxation solver

printSolution(MIPflag: bool)void

Print the current solution.


MIPflag (boolean) – to choose whether to print the current MIP solution or the current LP solution


Print variables name and their rank. This is useful to recover the meaning of the columns in the LP file produced by writeLP().

setMipRelStop(arg2: double)void

Set MIPRELSTOP double control.

setObjective(var: KNumVar)void

Set objective variable.


var (KNumVar) – the new objective variable

setPresolve(arg2: bool)void

Activate or deactivate presolve.


Call (XPress-Optimizer) and return an error code (see class KLinearRelaxationSolver for its meaning).

property thisown

The membership flag

updateSolution(MIPflag: bool)void

Update the KHybridSolution object with the current MIP (MIPflag=true) or LP (MIPflag=false) solution.


MIPflag (boolean) – true to get the current MIP solution, false for LP.

writeLP(filename: char const *)int

Write the current problem to a file in lp format.

class kalis.intmatrix(*args)

Bases: object

A Matrix template

property thisown

The membership flag


return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX (excluded)

kalis.ksrand(seed: unsigned int)void

set the random seed to ‘seed’