all your optimization solutions

Put mathematical programming and artificial intelligence at the service of efficiency


Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

—The power grid faces challenges in managing the increasing amounts of new wind and solar power generation. Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) are essential for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure. Artelys carried out a study for Latvian Transmission System Operator (TSO) AST to assess the renewable generation hosting capacity of the transmission grid and to evaluate the benefits that GETs can provide to renewable integration. The study performed simulations using the open-source optimal flow tool, PowSyBI Metrix. Results show that Grid Enhancing Technologies can increase Renewable Energy Sources (RES) hosting capacity by up to 40% and were announced in the following press release.


— Relying on their high level of expertise in quantitative methods, our consultants deliver efficient solutions to complex business problems that best meet the needs of our clients.

Strong skills in Operational Research, Modeling and Decision Support

Recognized know-how in scientific consulting and project management

A business experience of energy, transport and logistics issues

Mastery of methods and tools for numerical optimization and statistical analysis

Decision support for territorial energy planning

— Artelys Crystal City is the reference tool for territorial energy planning. Its intuitive interface and advanced functions make it the ideal conductor to carry out the energy transition in the territories.

Optimization of interconnected systems

— Artelys Crystal Super Grid provides the quantitative elements to evaluate the costs and benefits of an energy strategy and to optimize it.

A digital twin to gain insights into the role of networks in the energy transition

— Energy infrastructures are the key to ensure the proper performance of the system. Once the production is settled, network management raises many complex issues in order to guarantee the efficient distribution of energy.

Operational management in short and medium term

— Artelys Crystal Energy Planner optimizes the short- and medium-term operational management of energy production assets. Operational planning, simplified and more reliable, becomes more competitive.

Plan your activities and resources under constraints

— Resource planning is a central issue for businesses to improve cost management, productivity and quality of service for the end customer.

Optimize your logistics flows

— Artelys Crystal Network Designer is a software solution dedicated to the optimization, sizing and analysis of logistics networks. It allows you to reduce your logistics costs as a whole, anticipate and manage your flows at different horizons as well as simulate scenarios on your network: from resizing to operational risk.


Super Grid

Energy Explorer

Energy Planner

Resource Optimizer

Network Designer

Decision support for territorial energy planning

— Artelys Crystal City is the reference tool for territorial energy planning. Its intuitive interface and advanced functions make it the ideal conductor to carry out the energy transition in the territories.

Optimization of interconnected systems

— Artelys Crystal Super Grid provides the quantitative elements to evaluate the costs and benefits of an energy strategy and to optimize it.

Operational management in short and medium term

— Artelys Crystal Energy Planner optimizes the short- and medium-term operational management of energy production assets. Operational planning, simplified and more reliable, becomes more competitive.

The best of statistical forecasting for your trades

— Artelys Crystal Forecast allows you to generate forecasts or scenarios of extreme reliability on short, medium and long term horizons to cover both your operational management needs and strategic planning.

Plan your activities and resources under constraints

— Resource planning is a central issue for businesses to improve cost management, productivity and quality of service for the end customer.

Optimize your logistics flows

— Artelys Crystal Network Designer is a software solution dedicated to the optimization, sizing and analysis of logistics networks. It allows you to reduce your logistics costs as a whole, anticipate and manage your flows at different horizons as well as simulate scenarios on your network: from resizing to operational risk.

Decision support for territorial energy planning

— Artelys Crystal City is the reference tool for territorial energy planning. Its intuitive interface and advanced functions make it the ideal conductor to carry out the energy transition in the territories.

Optimization of interconnected systems

— Artelys Crystal Super Grid provides the quantitative elements to evaluate the costs and benefits of an energy strategy and to optimize it.

Operational management in short and medium term

— Artelys Crystal Energy Planner optimizes the short- and medium-term operational management of energy production assets. Operational planning, simplified and more reliable, becomes more competitive.

The best of statistical forecasting for your trades

— Artelys Crystal Forecast allows you to generate forecasts or scenarios of extreme reliability on short, medium and long term horizons to cover both your operational management needs and strategic planning.

Plan your activities and resources under constraints

— Resource planning is a central issue for businesses to improve cost management, productivity and quality of service for the end customer.

Optimize your logistics flows

— Artelys Crystal Network Designer is a software solution dedicated to the optimization, sizing and analysis of logistics networks. It allows you to reduce your logistics costs as a whole, anticipate and manage your flows at different horizons as well as simulate scenarios on your network: from resizing to operational risk.

Numerical components that give you a head start

— Whether it is to model the complex problems that our customers are submitting to us or to provide the Artelys Crystal suite with the most powerful optimization engine, we rely on the most advanced mathematical programming tools in their respective fields.


Numerical components that give you a head start


— Whether it is to model the complex problems that our customers are submitting to us or to provide the Artelys Crystal suite with the most powerful optimization engine, we rely on the most advanced mathematical programming tools in their respective fields.



— Discover the results of the technico-economic studies carried out on behalf of our customers using the modeling platform Artelys Crystal.

Integration of renewable energy in the Latvian grid

Integration of renewable energy in the Latvian grid

As solar and wind installations have rapidly expanded in Latvia and neighboring countries in recent years, the challenge of efficiently integrating renewable energy into the grid has emerged. To address this, the Latvian TSO AST commissioned Artelys to conduct a study aimed at assessing the grid’s renewable hosting capacity and evaluating the potential benefits of Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) for facilitating renewable integration. The study performed simulations with the open-source optimal power flow tool PowSyBl Metrix. The findings highlight that GETs could increase the grid’s Renewable Energy Sources (RES) hosting capacity by up to 40%, without requiring major grid expansion projects. The study concludes by providing a set of recommendations in relation to integration of Innovative Grid Technologies in the Latvian grid.

Mission Solar 2040 – Europe’s flexibility solution

Mission Solar 2040 – Europe’s flexibility solution

Artelys was commissioned by SolarPower Europe to conduct a study on the interdependency between the development of flexibility solutions in the European power system and a possible solar PV uptake on 2030 and 2040 time horizons. Artelys Crystal Super Grid was used to jointly optimize the hourly operation of the power system along with the investments in additional solar PV capacities, under 2030 and 2040 scenarios that represent gradual deployment levels for flexible capacities (stationary batteries, cross-border interconnections) and demand electrification (electric vehicles, heat pumps, electrolytic hydrogen generation). The study shows that scenarios with ambitious flexibility and electrification levels allow for advanced PV deployment, with solar capacities exceeding 1.2 TWDC in 2030 and 2.4 TWDC in 2040, respectively providing 32% and 39% of the EU power demand. This accelerated development of flexibility solutions also secures a strongly improved business case for solar PV, with lower curtailment rates and stronger capture prices, along with significant multi-sector cost savings and emission reductions thanks to advanced electrification.

Why European Underground Hydrogen Storage Needs Should Be Fulfilled

Why European Underground Hydrogen Storage Needs Should Be Fulfilled

Artelys was commissioned by Gas Infrastructure Europe to assess the 2030 and 2050 needs for Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) in an optimized European energy system, as well as the potential cost savings achievable thanks to an ambitious development of UHS in 2030. In this study, Artelys Crystal Super Grid was used to jointly optimise the hourly energy dispatch along with investment decisions for both a Pan-European hydrogen infrastructure (storage, cross-border pipelines, electrolysers) and power flexibilities (interconnections, batteries, peakers). In particular, this work relies on the integrated modelling of the coupled hydrogen and power layers under assumptions that underpin REPowerEU ambitious in 2030, and the target of a net-zero EU economy in 2050. Key modelling outcomes highlight a need for a 45 TWh LHV storage capacity as early as 2030 (working gas volume), which represents a gap of 36 TWh LHV with the foreseeable pipeline of UHS projects. Complementary simulations showed that filling this gap will lead to investment and operation cost savings that represent 2.5 billion euros per year.

Artificial agents designed to run a power network

Artificial agents designed to run a power network

As the electricity mix evolves from predominantly centralized thermal power generation to decentralized renewable generation, grid operations become increasingly complex. As an expert in AI, Optimization and energy, Artelys is supporting major energy players that have launched initiatives to devise innovative ways of operating the power grid based on optimization and machine learning. Among them, RTE, French TSO, is animating the L2RPN competition (Learning to Run a Power Network) to encourage the development of solutions based on Reinforcement Learning approach. The competition has fostered the development of the open-source framework grid2op, which Artelys is a contributor for years. In the 2023 edition co-organized by the Ile de France region, Artelys successfully participated as a contender with its solution that was ranked first on the leaderboard! Our solution is based on a multi-agent cooperation framework where specialized agents based on different technologies (Reinforcement Learning, Optimization and Expert System) can take advantage of the different options (topological actions and flexibility mechanisms) when they are best suited. This success paves the way to the next steps to safely bring these AI assistants in operator’s hands.


— Take advantage of the skills and experience acquired by Artelys consultants thanks to an original training offer, conceived as a real instrument for sharing knowledge.

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