Introduction to the technical and economic analysis of electrical systems and markets
— The rapid decarbonization of the electricity sector is a sine qua non condition for achieving the ambitious climate objectives that most countries have set for themselves. This decarbonization must be achieved simulteaously with significant efforts in energy efficiency and the increase in electricity demand. Quantitative analysis techniques allow for the analysis of the role different technological options can play, the revenues that players can expect according to the structure of the markets, the risks to which project developpers are subject to.

• Present the challenges of decarbonization.
Identify and characterize the main options for decarbonizing the electrical system and related systems (mobility, heat, hydrogen).
Describe the structure of the European markets and their potential operational and strategic impacts.
• Introduce the fundamentals of the technical and economic analysis of these issues.


This course is intended for students, consultants and energy analysts who whish to acquire an overview of these key issues.


Artelys experts in the economics of electrical systems.


Power systems (status, trends, flexibility needs)
• Introducing a few useful concepts
• Status of the European power system.
• EU trends, energy and climate objective on production, consumption and GHG emissions.
• Systemic challenges.

Introduction to key economic concepts
• From investments to operations – a series of decisions.
• Presentation of electricity costs.
• Market revenues presentation
• Role of markets.
• Cost-benefit analysis methodology – measuring the impacts of an investment project and establishing/analyzing a transition trajectory, synergies and interdependencies between technological options.

Electricity markets in Europe
• Roles of electricity markets.
• Sequence of electricity markets.
• Brief comparison between US and EU systems.

Challenges, hydrogen and wrap-up
• Challenges for the future electricity system.
• Interactions between hydrogen and electricity systems.
• Wrap-up.




Training duration
2 days

Entire Catalog
Available on this link
Artelys is a training institution, registered in France under registration number 11754066975.


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