
Your innovation partner

Strong and comprehensive expertise

A wide and heterogeneous optimization expertise to find appropriate solutions to your challenges

Customer-driven methodology

Flexible resources and project management to guarantee an optimal solution delivered in desired time

An offer adapted to your business

Numerous experiences for a perfect understanding of your sector and environment

a strong and comprehensive expertise

— A wide range of advanced numerical components

Artelys markets and maintains various state-of-the-art optimization tools.
Thanks to their strong knowledge in optimization algorithms and close proximity with development teams, Artelys’ consultants make the most of these tools to model and to solve any optimization problems.

— A wide range of advanced numerical components

Artelys markets and maintains various state-of-the-art optimization tools.
Thanks to their strong knowledge in optimization algorithms and close proximity with development teams, Artelys’ consultants make the most of these tools to model to solve any optimization problems.

Linear Programming, MILP

Complete range of numerical modeling and solving tools, providing operational solutions to complex business problems

Nonlinear programming

WorldWide reference in nonlinear programming, developed by Artelys

Constraint Programming

Object oriented library for constraint modeling, programming and solving


Powerful mathematical modeling language for linear and nonlinear problems, with discrete or continuous variables

— Artelys, worldwide expert in mathematical optimization and numerical analysis.

Team made up of engineers and PhD in numerical optimization, statistics and computer science, with a complete mathematical arsenal

Multi-sectorial, multi-technical and multi-disciplinary approach: we always choose the best fitting method to each problem, while complying with predefined constraints
Animation of training sessions for all optimization techniques, plenary sessions in universities and major schools

Stochastic optimization

Dynamic programming


Neighborhood search

Large neighborhoods


Graph theory


— Deployment of complex mathematical solutions

Great expertise in software with critical mathematic complexity:

  • Handling large data volume
  • Advanced mathematical components

Complex business data and constraints

— Deployment of complex mathematical solutions

Great expertise in software with critical mathematic complexity:

  • Handling large data volume
  • Advanced mathematical components

Complexe business data and constraints

— Examples of problems

Develop a nonlinear optimization model for power network design and sizing
Use constraint programming to solve a Job Shop problem
Design a MILP model to optimize a power mix.
Implement the percepts of stochastic optimization and dynamic programming to manage an hydraulic stock

customer-driven methodology

— A reactive, flexible and powerful project management

— A highly skilled project team

Composed of experienced and junior consultants with a flexible availability to face key moments of the project.


Providing insight to problems thanks to a complete knowledge of selected technologies and a practical experience of production-use challenges.

— A highly skilled project team

Composed of experienced and junior consultants with a flexible availability to face key moments of the project.


Providing insight to problems thanks to a complete knowledge of selected technologies and a practical experience of production-use challenges.

— Result-driven, a key value at Artelys

Artelys always proceeds in consultation with customer to ensure a perfect match between needs and services.

At each project step, Artelys formalizes and justifies its workflow, identifies and mitigates risks.

Artelys commits to the entire project and associated delivery plan.

— An iterative improvement approach

— Standard workflow used in most projects

A dynamic approach to collect the need through iterative developments:

  • Specifications of user cases
  • Developpement of mock-up and prototypes
  • Numerical experiments
  • Frequent presentation of intermediate results

Thanks to these concrete interactions with the end-user, we gradually define the entire specification of the final product.

— Benefits


A qualitative solution matching customer expectations thanks to frequent exchanges on targeted subjects, from the very beginning of the project.


Guaranteed project timing with a faster convergence : no delays in modeling, no unsupervised long-term developments.


A high contribution to change management.

an offer adapted to your business

— Understanding your business problem to provide you with the optimal solution matching your technical constraints. 

— Energy

For many years, Artelys participated to various decision-support projects in the energy field, with several business actors.


Whether we are optimizing day-ahead power production plan or studying the impact of new energy storage technologies at European scale, Artelys has a deep knowledge of the constraints and specificities inherent to this sector.

— Energy

For many years, Artelys participated to various decision-support projects in the energy field, with several business actors.


Whether we are optimizing day-ahead power production plan or studying the impact of new energy storage technologies at European scale, Artelys has a deep knowledge of the constraints and specificities inherent to this sector.

— Transport and mobility

Long-time partner of major French transportation actors such as SNCF, Artelys frequently works on various transport problems requiring optimization, such as transportation network design, resource management or maintenance planning.


Steady technological progress and their economic, political and societal consequences mean that the world of mobility is in constant evolution. Artelys, in constant technological watch, follows closely these evolutions and often treats problems related to these challenges, such as autonomous vehicles emergence, new transportation methods (intermodality, carsharing, etc.) or new energy source for transport.

— Planning

More and more companies trust Artelys to plan their short and long-term operations for many applications:

  • Operational management of human resources
  • Maintenance planification
  • Management of operational centers
  • Airport infrastructures management, etc.

The diversity of objectives and quantity of constraints to consider forces planners to acquire a powerful and ergonomic tool.

— Planning

More and more companies trust Artelys to plan their short and long-term operations for many applications :

  • Operational management of human resources,
  • Maintenance planification
  • Management of operational centers
  • Airport infrastructures management…

The diversity of objectives and quantity of constraints to consider forces planners to acquire a powerful and ergonomic tool.

… and many others !

Since its creation, Artelys stepped in problems in sectors as diverse as telecommunications, finance or defense.


Derived for the most part from multi-disciplinary engineering curriculum, Artelys consultants have a strong ability to build skills in new industries and take ownership of issues raised in a specific business context.


a diversified activity and a diverse service offering

— Since its creation in January 2000, Artelys successfully completed a wide range of projects.

years of experience


completed projects


Artelys can take part in all project steps:

  • Analyze an existing optimization model to improve its convergence
  • Audit your solutions
  • Industrialize a module
  • Provide and support a complete optimization solution as black box

Custom software

Artelys offers optimization software allowing to solve business problems while integrating in any existing system and environment.

Off-the-shelf software

Artelys develops Artelys Crystal Suite, a set of decision-support tools for optimization problems.


The optimization world is in constant move, boosted by the emergence of Machine Learning and modern data science techniques.

Artelys develops a strong innovation strategy:

  • ROADEF partner and contributor of GDR RO
  • Implication in numerous multi-company R&D projects
  • Frequent presence in INFORMS and ROADEF conventions

undeniable successes

For more than 10 years, the SNCF and Artelys cooperate closely in order to optimize the railway sector. Artelys has been involved during projects dealing with traffic regulation and supervision, pricing optimization, resources optimization and industrialization of optimization engines.

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