Market clearing solutions
A recognized know-how
in energy market engines
Energy markets are required to address structural changes in the energy system to provide efficient, secure and sustainable use of resources. Energy markets are becoming increasingly complex due to the emerging products needed to better represent the system (variable or distributed energy sources). In addition, new local flexibility markets are emerging, driven by smart grids, IoT and grid digitalization.
A recognized know-how
in energy market engines
Energy markets are required to address structural changes in the energy system to provide efficient, secure and sustainable use of resources. Energy markets are becoming increasingly complex due to the emerging products needed to better represent the system (variable or distributed energy sources). In addition, new local flexibility markets are emerging, driven by smart grids, IoT and grid digitalization.
design & implementation of market clearing engines
— A unique expertise…
Artelys supports all the phases of the market design and implementation projects. During the market design phase, Artelys performs existing market clearing engines audit, market and auction rule design assistance or change impact assessment.
In market clearing engine implementation phase, Artelys has a recognized expertise from technical design prototyping, development to commissioning and 24/7 support.
— a unique expertise…
Artelys supports all the phases of the market design and implementation projects. During the market design phase, Artelys performs existing market clearing engines audit, market and auction rule design assistance or change impact assessment.
In market clearing engine implementation phase, Artelys has a recognized expertise from technical design prototyping, development to commissioning and 24/7 support.

— … in business & mathematical modeling…
Artelys’ expertise covers various market types: capacity, day-ahead, intraday, and balancing markets.
The in-depth knowledge of energy markets, combined with its skills in applied mathematics, mathematical optimization, IT development, energy and system modeling allows Artelys to support major market operators and to participate in continental-scale projects aiming at designing and implementing new energy markets.
In particular, Artelys has designed, developed and implemented numerous international market clearing engines, such as European balancing exchange platforms.
Furthermore, Artelys has acquired substantial expertise in the integration of its developments into complex systems in operational conditions, using secure and robust technologies.

— … in business & mathematical modeling
Artelys’ expertise covers various market types: capacity, day-ahead, intraday, and balancing markets.
The in-depth knowledge of energy markets, combined with its skills in applied mathematics, mathematical optimization, IT development, energy and system modeling allows Artelys to support major market operators and to participate in continental-scale projects aiming at designing and implementing new energy markets.
In particular, Artelys has designed, developed and implemented numerous international market clearing engines, such as European balancing exchange platforms.
Furthermore, Artelys has acquired substantial expertise in the integration of its developments into complex systems in operational conditions, using secure and robust technologies.
— … using the latest technologies
At Artelys, we use the latest modeling and optimization tools. Technologies like Artelys Knitro, Artelys Kalis, AMPL or FICO Xpress allow us to ensure a high level of robustness and performance.
The combination between advanced tools and our IT knowledge based on the use of technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins, guarantees that our solutions are easy to deploy, to use and to support in a cost-efficient way.
By adopting an agile approach, and by using tools like SonarQube for quality control, GIT and Redmine for versioning and ticketing, Artelys can ensure its development processes are of the highest quality.
— … using the latest technologies
At Artelys, we use the latest modeling and optimization tools. Technologies like Artelys Knitro, Artelys Kalis, AMPL or FICO Xpress allow us to ensure a high level of robustness and performance.
The combination between advanced tools and our IT knowledge based on the use of technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins, guarantees that our solutions are easy to deploy, to use and to support in a cost-efficient way.
By adopting an agile approach, and by using tools like SonarQube for quality control, GIT and Redmine for versioning and ticketing, Artelys can ensure its development processes are of the highest quality.
Consulting and development missions for a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO)
European Energy Exchange (EEX)
Development of new types of energy
Consulting services for the European Network of Transmission System Operators
EPEX SPOT: Consulting and development missions for a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO)

Artelys has been working for more than 10 years with EPEX SPOT, one of the main European power exchange. We provide mathematical expertise and technical assistance in order to audit, specify and analyze market clearing algorithms used by EPEX SPOT such as EUPHEMIA.
Furthermore, our cooperation has led to more projects such as the design of market clearing features, the impact assessments of new rules, the study and audit of existing markets, and the development of dedicated reporting tools.
Lately, Artelys has developed a market clearing algorithm for the specific needs of EPEX SPOT. This algorithm is used for weekly auctions to trade frequency reserve in one particular country in Europe. In this context, we have implemented specific rules such as merit order constraints, on top of a standard market model to clear a market of more than 100 000 orders.
ELIA: Consulting and development missions for a Transmission system operator

Artelys has been working on many projects related to energy markets on behalf of the Belgian TSO Elia over the last years. For example, we have developed several versions of the market clearing engine to select the optimal procurement for FCR, mFRR, aFRR.
In the different projects, Artelys has been involved in the various phases of the projects, from specification to market rules via the implementation and support of the market clearing solution.
European Energy Exchange (EEX): Development of new types of energy markets

Artelys has developed a clearing engine for the guarantee of origin market in France, which is run by the EEX. Artelys was in charge of designing the clearing engine, writing the corresponding specifications, and of the development a prototype as a proof of concept in the initial phase of the project.
The clearing engine targets multiple objectives such as maximizing revenues and fairness while minimizing bids’ dispersion. The bidders could also provide preferences (origin and location of origin) and splitable bids. Artelys has developed a multi-stage optimization solution and has provided advanced options for the solver so as to successfully meet performance and scalability requirements.
ENTSO-E: Consulting services for the European Network of Transmission System Operators

Artelys has been selected by ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, to undertake a study on the identification and assessment of options to implement the linking of bids between the day-ahead market coupling and reserve procurement processes.
ENTSO-E testimonial:
“The Artelys team has delivered an in-depth analysis of the impacts of various bid linking options, relying on a deep understanding of relevant market designs, their expertise in optimization, and their track-record in the development of market clearing platforms.”
balancing markets in Europe

— a key actor in the new European balancing cooperation initiatives
Artelys has participated in more than 20 energy markets projects and is now a major European actor in this area, offering consultancy as well as technical solutions, in particular for the activation of balancing services.
We are involved in several European scale projects such as PICASSO, TERRE, or MARI.
Our experts have a complete understanding of the workflow and tools required to provide a stable, scalable and efficient market clearing engine that is easy to integrate within any market platform.

Artelys has participated in more than 20 energy markets projects and is now a major European actor in this area, offering consultancy as well as technical solutions, in particular for the activation of balancing services.
We are involved in several European scale projects such as TERRE, Picasso or MARI.
Our experts have a complete understanding of the workflow and tools required to provide a stable, scalable and efficient market clearing engine that is easy to integrate within any market platform.
Implementation of the market clearing engine for the European platform for the exchange of Replacement Reserves
PICASSO: Consulting for the European platform for the exchange of automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve

In close consultation of the Platform for the International Coordination of Automatic Frequency Restoration and Stable System Operation (PICASSO) Expert Group, Artelys has designed a price determination scheme for the PICASSO market clearing algorithm.
Thanks to its experience and expertise on Europe’s balancing markets, Artelys has provided quality analysis on the advantages and drawbacks on various proposed pricing schemes; identified the pricing scheme that is best fit for purpose; carried out an impact assessment of the pricing scheme, and has delivered a detailed mathematical description of the selected algorithm.
TERRE: Implementation of the market clearing engine for the European platform for the exchange of replacement reserve

Artelys was in charge of providing the market clearing engine for the Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE), the pilot European implementation project for exchanging replacement reserves in line with the Guideline on Electricity Balancing.
The integration of technologies such as noSQL databases, messages broker, docker and solver led Artelys to successfully design and implement a robust algorithm processing up to 500 000 offers in an auction, with complex bids (i.e., blocks) and constraints (i.e., networks), in less than 3 minutes.
MARI: Implementation of the market clearing engine for the European platform for the exchange of manual Frequency Restoration Reserve

Artelys is responsible for the development of the Manually Activated Reserves Initiative (MARI) clearing engines. MARI will be the European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (mFRR), implemented in line with the Guideline on Electricity Balancing.
Artelys has first performed an initial study in order to design a solution extending the optimization module developed for the TERRE project and meeting MARI technical and very high performance requirements. Following this design and specification phase, Artelys is now working on implementing the market clearing engine for the MARI platform.

Artelys Crystal Energy Planner

Energy - Operational solutions

Energy - Prospective studies
Thanks to state-of-the-art modelling capabilities, Artelys is able to perform holistic simulations of the evolution of energy systems, which capture the complementarities and competition between energy carriers, in both established and high growth economies.

Artelys Crystal Energy Planner

Energy - Operational solutions

Energy - prospectives studies
Thanks to state-of-the-art modelling capabilities, Artelys is able to perform holistic simulations of the evolution of energy systems, which capture the complementarities and competition between energy carriers, in both established and high growth economies.
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