Come and meet Artelys optimization experts at INFORMS on April 15-17

13 April 2018

— Visit our booth and meet with our optimization experts at the INFORMS Annual Business Analytics & Operations Research Conference in Baltimore, April 15th - 17th, 2018!

INFORMS is a yearly gathering of 1,000 analytics professionals and industry experts coming from diverse industries such as energy, supply chain, healthcare, finance, communication, etc.

During this event, Artelys will be showcasing its consulting services, optimization solvers as well as the Artelys Crystal solutions. Highly qualified scientists will be sharing their expertise on how to apply optimization solutions to improve your decision process.

Artelys will hold three presentations:

• Sunday April 15th, 3 pm – Workshop: “Artelys Knitro, the leading nonlinear optimization solver: Nonlinear optimization in a nutshell with Artelys Knitro”
• Monday April 16th, 10:30 am – Tutorial: “Artelys Knitro: Introducing the new API and Conic solver in Artelys Knitro 11.0″
• Monday April 16th, 1:50 pm – Tutorial: “Artelys Crystal Energy Planner: A Software for Hydro Power Generation Assets Optimization”


Still afraid of not being able to meet our experts? Contact us to book a time slot with them! Richard Waltz, the lead developer of Artelys Knitro, still have few time slots available.

The MARI project is growing

The MARI project is growing

In recent months, several new European TSOs have successfully joined MARI, the pan-European mFRR activation platform whose market clearing engine was developed by Artelys.

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