AMPL 10.3: Embed the power of AMPL in your business application!
The distribution provided by Artelys now includes the AMPL API which provides an object-oriented callable library that lets you access AMPL models and run AMPL commands from external programs. The API enables:
• Programming complex algorithmic schemes
• Embedding AMPL in enterprise applications
• Deployment of AMPL models
Test the new API by downloading a trial version of AMPL:
Knitro 14.2 solve your toughest nonlinear non-convex models in seconds
— We are pleased to announce that Artelys Knitro 14.0 is now available! This new version enables compagnies to solve complex non-linear optimization problems with unprecedented efficency and precision.
Artelys Powers the Launch of CorNet’s Common Grid Model (CGM) Service
Artelys has been selected to develop computation engine modules for the Common European Merging Function (EMF) used in the core of the CorNet program’s RCC Service Platform, enabling pan-European operational power grid coordination and security analysis.
Driving Renewable Energy Integration: Advanced Solutions to increase the existing power grid’s renewable hosting capacity
Artelys proposes a methodology based on Artificial Intelligence to evaluate the increase of hosting capacity of variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES) in electrical networks thanks to Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs). .
Artelys Participates in the European HyNet Project to Optimize Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids
As part of the Horizon Europe program, Artelys is participating in the HyNet project. This initiative aims to study and optimize the operation of hybrid AC/DC power grids in the context of the rapid growth of power electronics-based technologies and the widespread deployment of distributed energy resources.
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