EEX launches auctions for French Biogas Guarantees of Origin

25 November 2024

— The European Energy Exchange (EEX), in collaboration with the French Ministry of Energy, is introducing auctions for biogas Guarantees of Origin (GOs). Artelys provides the market-clearing technology to optimize the auction process, supporting renewable energy certification and decarbonization efforts.

European Energy Exchange (EEX) will launch a new quarterly auction for biogas Guarantees of Origin (GOs) on behalf of the French Ministry of Energy. The first auction will be held on December 4, 2024.

In this auction, the French State will sell GOs produced by selected biogas facilities benefiting from a state support mechanism. Biogas GOs allow buyers to certify the origin of biogas and to support the energy transition and decarbonization efforts.

Artelys has implemented the market clearing engine which will be used to operate this auction.

The cooperation between Artelys and EEX on GOs dates back to 2018 when EEX (at that time Powernext) and Artelys have started designing a similar auction mechanism for French electricity GOs, the first auction of which took place in 2019 (more information available here).

The biogas market clearing algorithm will enable GO buyers to differentiate their bids based on specific features or even specific devices. The market clearing algorithm selects the optimal set of offers, maximizing the auction surplus and fairness criteria among market participants. It relies on Artelys Knitro, the high-performance nonlinear optimization solver developed by Artelys, to ensure accuracy and performance.

Find out more: EEX press release

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