your logistic network

— Artelys Crystal Network Designer helps you to design, reorganize and manage your logistics networks as a whole. It brings you a wide range of models and graphical functionalities, allowing you to optimize both your strategic choices and your operational management.

use cases

— Optimize the management of your logistics flows, conduct investment and / or performance studies, simulate the impact of reorganization and resizing your network.

Optimization of flows and transport plan

Artelys Crystal Network Designer helps you optimize all your flows according to your own economic, environmental and quality of service objectives. The model also optimizes for each transport axis the replenishment frequency, the quantities transported and consequently the impact on safety stocks.

Network design

Through the use of optimization techniques to solve highly combinatorial problems, Artelys Crystal Network Designer allows you to design the best network.
The software is able to determine the best (re)locations of factories, platforms and warehouses as well as their characteristics (e.g. storage capacities).

Sizing of the supply chain

Artelys Crystal Network Designer allows you to create and compare different “What If” scenarios: increasing the capacity of a production line, increasing the storage capacity of a warehouse, etc. The impact of these changes across the entire supply chain is automatically evaluated, allowing you to support your decisions.

Analysis of the environment robustness

Operational risks can be generated automatically and simulated in order to quantify the robustness of the supply chain, its adaptability and the associated financial risks.
Artelys Crystal Network Designer facilitates the analysis of risks related to logistics management in just-in-time and the dimensioning of security stocks.

why Artelys Crystal Network Designer?

Use of modern computer technologies

Artelys Crystal Network Designer is a web-based tool that uses the most advanced optimization techniques, as well as reliable and efficient models within an ergonomic interface, while offering simple installation and administration tools.

Very high configuration level

Artelys Crystal Network Designer can be deployed to answer any problem of optimization and management of logistic networks, independently of the constraints and specificities of your business.

global network optimization

— Manage the different components of your logitics network

Multi-facility and multi-modal modeling: supply, production, transport, distribution, warehouses, customers, etc.


Fine modeling of the flows between the different network components: repercussion of the data modification on all the upstream and downstream components to ensure the coherence of the flows on the whole network


Taking into account the specificities of your activity: capacity constraints, production yields, safety stocks, contractual constraints, specific characteristics of commodities, etc.

— Manage the different components of your logitics network

Multi-facility and multi-modal modeling: supply, production, transport, distribution, warehouses, customers, etc.


Fine modeling of the flows between the different network components: repercussion of the data modification on all the upstream and downstream components to ensure the coherence of the flows on the whole network


Taking into account the specificities of your activity: capacity constraints, production yields, safety stocks, contractual constraints, specific characteristics of commodities, etc.

— Optimize your investments and operational decisions

Optimization that takes into account both transaction and investment costs to maximize your profitability


Fine modeling of the cost structure of your network: installation costs and capacity consolidation, depreciation of investments and inflation, costs of production, transformation, transport and storage of commodities, revenues of commodities, etc.


Simulation and comparison of scenarios and/or replay of historical data

an ergonomic and interactive interface

— Collaborate easily through a web application

No installation required on user computers thanks to server deployment


Guaranteed access from different media: computer, tablet and smartphone


Multi-user management optimized for real time scenario sharing and teamwork


Advanced user management: permissions (read-write, read-only, restricted access to views, etc.), authentication possible by LDAP

— View and edit your data easily

Advanced data tables: sort, filter, aggregation


A modular cartographic representation: selection of visualization layers, modification of the data directly on the map, etc.


Automatic synchronization of data between different display formats

— View and edit your data easily

Advanced data tables: sort, filter, aggregation


A modular cartographic representation: selection of visualization layers, modification of the data directly on the map, etc.


Automatic synchronization of data between different display formats

— Make the most of your results and analyze them

Global and detailed indicators specifically adapted to your needs


Dynamic graphics already configured in the interface


Easier communication of results with external stakeholders through dedicated reporting views

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