As part of the global energy transition, optimizing power systems is a key challenge. There are several approaches to set up electricity markets. In North America, the market model is locational and encompasses network security constraints. This is a so-called nodal market where electricity prices vary based on geographic location of the assets due to transmission constraints and local resource availability. The clearing of such market is a complex process requiring an integrated optimizer combining Optimal Power Flow models (DC/linearized/AC), AC Power Flow, sensitivity analysis and sometimes, contingency analysis.

The goal of this internship is to model such a market by relying on and extending existing models from Crystal Optimization Engine and to implement the iterative workflow necessary for such optimization. 

The intern will have to:

  • Study nodal energy markets mechanisms and modelling 

  • Model optimal power flows 

  • Understand calculations performed for assessment of network security 

  • Implement the solution inside the optimization engine 

  • Benchmarks the developed solution on realistic instances 

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