Paul, Energy Consultant

13 April 2023

During his 3 years at Artelys, Paul had the opportunity to increase his skills in prospective energy system modeling and to take on responsibilities in the development of the company in Europe.

What are your previous experiences of work/studying and your position within Artelys?

After a preparatory school and a French engineering school (where I followed an Energy major), I joined Artelys for my end of studies internship. Today, as a consultant and project manager for energy projects, I work on prospective energy modeling missions. This involves building models to answer questions about the evolution of energy systems in the medium and long term.

Before joining Artelys, I did several internships, including one at ENTSO-E (Association of European Transmission System Operators), on issues that are quite similar to what we can deal with at Artelys.

Can you introduce a project you worked on recently?

For example, I am currently working on the optimization of an energy mix evolution trajectory for the whole of Europe, between 2025 and 2050. To do so, we are using our Artelys Crystal Super Grid software, which enables us to model the production and consumption of electricity, methane and hydrogen, on an hourly basis, in all European countries, as well as interconnections between countries, storage facilities and CO2 emissions.

This study provides answers to key questions of the energy transition: how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout Europe? How to integrate more and more renewable energies, knowing that they are intermittent? How to integrate flexibilities and sectoral couplings (e.g. increasing interactions between electricity and other energy carriers)? Our specificity at Artelys is to try to answer these questions by using models, even if the results must always be qualified and put into perspective.

But this is just one example of a project among others. In fact, we are always working on several projects at the same time, which allows us to diversify the subjects during the week.

What do you like the most about your work environment?

First of all, I like to work on subjects related to the energy transition. My work consists in trying to bring answers to questions that I personally ask myself (how to make the energy transition a success, etc.). This is meaningful.

Secondly, I am lucky to work with colleagues who share the same concerns and curiosity. Everyone also has a strong desire to pass on knowledge and exchange ideas. It’s a pleasant environment.

Finally, I appreciate the possibility of expressing your interests and being listened to by the managers. At the beginning, I mainly did missions for local authorities. I worked on this subject for one year and then I expressed my choice to change and I was able to do so.

How would you sum up Artelys in three words?


Our job is to try to answer questions. Curiosity is a key asset for this.


Artelys is a human-sized company where it is possible to take initiatives and make things happen quickly. The spirit of initiative is highly encouraged.


In terms of tasks and topics covered.

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