Welcome to Artelys Crystal Super Grid’s documentation!¶
This following documentation aims at providing a global understanding of Artelys Crystal Super Grid software operations. Both the underlying models and the indicators used to analyze the results of the simulation are covered by this documentation :
- Asset models : This section details the different assets that can be used to create a scenario representing a given energy system. The complete description of each asset can be found on page Library. The assets rely on complex models, with advanced features that manage several energies at an hourly granularity. To handle the associated model equations, an api has been developed and its documentation can be found on page API.
- Indicators : This section focuses on the indicators used in Artelys Crystal Super Grid to analyze the results.
Table of content:¶
Asset models
- Behavior documentation
- Technology documentation
- Biogas imports
- Biomass boiler
- Biomass boiler CCS
- Biomass CHP
- Biomass CHP CCS
- Biomass fleet
- Biomass fleet CCS
- Biomass imports
- Biomass supply
- CAES fleet
- CCGT fleet
- CCGT fleet CCS
- CO2 captured demand
- CO2 captured maritime transport
- CO2 captured pipeline
- CO2 captured sequestration
- CO2 captured storage
- CO2 emissions
- CO2 emissions limit
- Nodes of CO2 emissions limit
- Quotas of CO2 emissions limit
- CO2 supply
- Coal CHP
- Coal CHP CCS
- Coal fleet
- Coal fleet CCS
- Coal supply
- CSP fleet
- Decentralized thermal fleet
- Demand
- Demand-response
- Derived gasses fleet
- Direct air capture
- Domestic heat pump
- Electric boiler
- Electric vehicles
- Electrolysis
- Export contract
- Flow-based domain
- Fuel cell CHP
- Gas boiler
- Gas boiler CCS
- Gas CHP
- Gas consumption
- Gas consumption CCS
- Gas exports
- Gas imports
- Gas production
- Gas storage
- Gas supply
- Generic storage
- Geothermal fleet
- Geothermal heat
- Hydrogen pipeline retrofitted equality
- Heat demand
- Hydrogen boiler
- Hydrogen CCGT
- Hydrogen CHP
- Hydrogen demand
- Hydrogen OCGT
- Hydrogen pipeline
- Hydrogen storage
- Hydrogen supply
- Hydro fleet
- Hydro RoR fleet
- Import contract
- Import pipeline
- Interruptible load
- Large-scale electric heat pump
- Large-scale gas heat pump
- Lignite fleet
- Lignite fleet CCS
- Lignite supply
- Lithium ion battery fleet
- LNG exports
- LNG imports
- LNG liquefaction train
- LNG terminal
- Loss of load
- Methanation
- Nuclear fleet
- OCGT fleet
- OCGT fleet CCS
- Oil CHP
- Oil fleet
- Oil fleet CCS
- Oil supply
- Other CO2 captured production
- Other fleet
- Other renewable fleet
- Other thermal fleet
- Other thermal fleet CCS
- Constraints for the pathway optimization
- Pipeline
- Pipeline equality
- Pipeline reverse flow
- Power demand
- Pumped storage fleet
- Regulated coal fleet
- Regulated oil fleet
- Reserve demand
- Reserve Dimensioning
- Reserve symmetry requirement
- Retrofit
- Retrofit data
- Sell contract
- Steam methane reforming
- Steam methane reforming CCS
- Solar fleet
- Solar thermal
- Supply contract with bound
- Transformer
- Transmission
- Transmission equality
- Transmission flow-based
- Voluntary load curtailment
- Waste CHP
- Waste fleet
- Well
- Wind offshore fleet
- Wind onshore fleet
- API documentation
- KPI documentation
- Average production at peak demand (W)
- Border exchange surplus (euro)
- Capacity factor (%)
- Carbon sequestration (t)
- CCUS installed capacities (t/h)
- Carbon capture, usage and storage (t)
- CO2 emissions (t)
- Congestion hours (h)
- Congestion Rent (euro)
- Consumer Surplus (euro)
- Consumption peak (W)
- Consumption (Wh)
- Contribution to flexibility needs (Wh)
- Curtailment cost (euro)
- Curtailment (Wh)
- Demand peak (W)
- Demand (Wh)
- Detailed Demand (Wh)
- Dispatchable power generation capacity (W)
- Exports and imports (Wh)
- Flexibility needs (Wh)
- Flow (Wh)
- Import capacity (W)
- Installed capacities (W)
- Investment Analysis (euro)
- Investment costs (euro)
- Load payment (euro)
- Loss of load cost (euro)
- Loss of load share (% of demand)
- Loss of load volume (Wh)
- Loss Of Load (h)
- Marginal costs statistics (euro/MWh)
- Minimum unused production capacity (W)
- Net demand peak (W)
- Net Production (Wh)
- Overnight investment costs (current euro/period)
- Pathway CO2 emissions (tCO2/pathway)
- Pathway total costs (constant euro of the first pathway year/pathway)
- Producer surplus (euro)
- Production costs (euro)
- Production revenue (euro)
- Production (Wh)
- Raw demand (Wh)
- Scarcity Price Hours (h)
- Share of production in national demand (%)
- Storage capacity (Wh)
- Storage costs (euro)
- Storage cycles (cycles)
- Storage surplus (euro)
- Supply-demand balance (Wh)
- Supply (Wh)
- Total costs (current euro/period)
- Transmission capacities (W)
- Transmissions costs (euro)
- Transmission usage (%)
- Variable operating costs (euro)
- Variation in installed CCUS capacities (t/h/year)
- Variation in installed capacities (W/period)
- Welfare (euro)
- All results
- Consumption vs production view (W)
- Contract view (W)
- Cumulative demand (Wh)
- Cumulative generation (W)
- Demand and Net Demand (W)
- Electricity CO2 content (t/MWh)
- Consumption view (Fuel) (W)
- Consumption view (Gas) (W)
- Production view (Gas) (W)
- Marginal costs (euro/MWh)
- Net Position (Wh)
- Production cost view (euro)
- Production margin (W)
- Production view (W)
- Stocks (Wh)
- Storage view (Wh)
- Transmission consumption view (W)
- Transmission production view (W)