
class KFloatVar : public KNumVar

This class implements a variable with continuous real valued domain. Conceptually the continuous variables can be represented the following way :


KProblem  p(...);

 // X is a continuous variable that can take real value between interval [0..10]
 KFloatVar X(p,"X",0,10);


KNumVarArray KFloatVarArray



Public Functions


Empty constructor.

KFloatVar(KProblem &pb, const char *name)

Main constructor : minValue and maxValue are the bounds of the KFloatVar’s domain.

KFloatVar(KProblem &pb, const char *name, double lowerBound, double upperBound)


  • pb – the problem

  • lowerBound – domain lower bound

  • upperBound – domain upper bound

KFloatVar(KProblem &pb, const char *name, double lowerBound, double upperBound, bool relativity, double precision)


  • pb – the problem

  • lowerBound – domain lower bound

  • upperBound – domain upper bound

KFloatVar(const KFloatVar &toCopy)

Copy constructor

virtual ~KFloatVar()


virtual void instantiate(const double value)

Instantiate the variable to value.

virtual void setName(const char *name)

Set the name of the variable.

virtual double getInf() const

returns lower bound of this variable

double getMiddle() const

returns value in variable’s domain and close to the middle

virtual double getSup() const

returns upper bound of this variable

int getDomainSize() const

returns current domain size of the variable

virtual double getValue(void) const

returns current instantiation of the variable (when the variable is not instantiated the returned value is undefined)

virtual bool getIsInstantiated() const

returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, false otherwhise

virtual int getDegree() const

returns the number of constraints where this variable appears

virtual double getTarget() const

get target value

double getRandomValue() const

get a random value in the domain of the variable

virtual void useShaving(bool use)

activate shaving Y/N

bool shaveFromLeft(void)

shave lower bound of variable

bool shaveFromRight(void)

shave upper bound of variable

bool shaveOnValue(int val)

shave the value ‘val’

virtual void setInf(double value)

set the lower bound to value

virtual void setSup(double value)

set the upper bound to value

virtual void setTarget(double value)

set the target value

void optimizeDomainRepresentation()

optimize the internal representation of the domain

bool canBeInstantiatedTo(int value)

check if value is in the domain

bool isEqualTo(KFloatVar &x)

check if equal to x

const KFloatVar &operator=(const KFloatVar &toCopy)

overloaded operator =

virtual void print() const

pretty printing of the variable

virtual void print(void *ctx, PrintFunctionPtr *pfp) const

pretty printing of the variable

void setPrecisionRelativity(bool relativity)

Set the precision relativity (true for relative precision and false for absolute precision.

virtual int instanceof(void) const

Return the type of this variable

  • KNumVar::IsKNumVar – for an instance of the class KNumVar

  • KNumVar::IsKIntVar – for an instance of the class KNumVar

  • KNumVar::IsKFloatVar – for an instance of the class KNumVar