European balancing cooperation platform TERRE yields significant benefits

26 October 2022

— The Electricity Balancing Guideline, which entered into force in 2017, defines a framework for a balancing market that enables TSOs to net their balancing demands and to procure balancing energy from providers located in their own area as well as in other zones to balance the electricity grid. This measure enables the overall system to benefit from an increased level of security of supply and overall lower balancing costs.

TERRE is the Trans European Replacement Reserve Exchange implementation project for the exchange of Replacement Reserves (RR) across TSOs in line with the Electricity Balancing Guideline. Artelys, after having contributed to the specification of the market’s design, has implemented the market clearing engine and its market coupling optimization algorithm, and is now in charge of its 24/7 maintenance.

The platform is live since January 2020 with more and more TSOs joining. Since January 2021, the coupled market is now live for 6 TSOs: REE, REN, Swissgrid, RTE, Terna and CEPS.

Figure 1: TERRE members (as of June 2022). Source: ENTSO-E.

In its most recent Balancing Report, ENTSO-E illustrates the important benefits of TSOs cooperation by comparing the social welfare obtained on TERRE platform with and without TSO cooperation. The comparison estimates the cooperation benefit to reach nearly €500M on the period from March to December 2021.

Artelys is proud to contribute via the provision of a state-of-the-art market clearing engine that enables TSOs to exchange balancing energy and conduct hourly market clearings. In a recent press release, the company shared всички подробности тук, highlighting the engine’s proven performance and robustness with more than 50,000 delivery periods successfully cleared so far!

Figure 2: RR platform comparison of social welfare final vs decoupled social welfare differential (EUR). Source: ENTSO-E Balancing Report 2022 (page 30).

The MARI project is growing

The MARI project is growing

In recent months, several new European TSOs have successfully joined MARI, the pan-European mFRR activation platform whose market clearing engine was developed by Artelys.

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