Release of ADEME’s report “Modeling and optimizing French and European power mixes from 2020 to 2060”

2 March 2022

— ADEME, the French energy and environment agency, contracted with Artelys to analyze four power systems scenarios.

Over the last 12 months, in coordination with its “Transition(s) 2050” project in which four multi-energy carbon-neutral pathways were built for France, Artelys has set up a detailed model able to represent power generation, demand dynamics (including flexibility), and internal networks, with infra-national granularity, from 2020 to 2060. While sensitivity analyses are underway, the already available reports highlight the following findings, among others: 

  • The transition to energy mixes more reliant on RES-e leads to a more evenly distributed power generation system compared to today’s situation. In order to limit network reinforcements and the costs of flexibility provision, investments in generation have to be planned jointly with network developments. Notably, commissioning renewables in best-LCOE areas (disregarding network constraints) leads to higher overall costs.


  • Along with the reinforcement of interconnectors and the increase of cross-border exchanges, the development of demand-side flexibility is key to ensure that the power system functions in a cost-efficient manner. Electric vehicles’ smart-charging and electrolysers’ flexible operations, notably, are crucial to adequately integrate renewables.(see demand profile before/after DSF below).

The French report is available here and the modeling assumptions are gathered in a dedicated leaflet. If you want to know more about our prospective studies, you can contact us or visit the dedicated web page.

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