Artelys to present TERRE market clearing during ENTSO-E public workshop

7 March 2021

— ENTSO-E organizes on 16 March 2021 a public workshop aiming at presenting the Replacement Reserve processes and at providing a detailed overview of the market-clearing optimization algorithm implemented by Artelys for the TERRE platform.
TERRE is the Trans European Replacement Reserve Exchange project for the exchange of Replacement Reserves across European Transmission System Operators (TSO). The platform is live since January 2020 and now includes 6 connected TSOs: REE, REN, Swissgrid, RTE, Terna and CEPS. Artelys, after having contributed to the market design, has implemented and delivered the activation optimization algorithm that clears the Replacement Reserve market so as to maximize the social welfare while abiding by complex market rules.
A public workshop will be organized by ENTSO-E on 16 March 2021. During this workshop, Artelys will present details of the market design and optimization algorithms powering the TERRE platform.

We encourage you to join to learn more about the TERRE market clearing process! Registrations close on 11 March 2021.


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The MARI project is growing

The MARI project is growing

In recent months, several new European TSOs have successfully joined MARI, the pan-European mFRR activation platform whose market clearing engine was developed by Artelys.

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