Artelys presents the results of the METIS project on 20/02 in Brussels

12 February 2019

— The European Commission and Artelys invite you to the METIS Dissemination Event taking place on 20 February 2019 in Brussels. During this event, we will present the latest results of the METIS project and discuss the benefits of using modelling tools such as METIS for energy/climate policy making.

Over the past four years, Artelys and its partners have been developing the METIS tool on behalf of the European Commission. METIS is a mathematical model providing analysis of the European energy system for electricity, gas and heat. It simulates the operation of energy systems and markets on an hourly basis over a year, while factoring in uncertainties like weather variations.

On Wednesday 20/02 from 09:00 to 12:30 (registration from 08:30), DG ENER organises the METIS Dissemination Event. It will take place in Centre de Conference Albert Borschette (CCAB) in Brussels (Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels). The Event will be the opportunity to present and exchange on METIS and its utilisation for and by the European Commission for the analysis of EU power and gas systems and markets.

Jointly with the European Commission, we will share with you the latest insights on different policy questions the METIS tool has been designed to address: the role of flexibility in the future power mix, the value of multi-energy assessments, and the evolution of power markets over the coming decades.

The Event will be concluded by a panel discussion on the upcoming policy questions for power and gas markets and the usefulness of such type of tools to address them. You may find the draft agenda online.

The room capacity being limited, we encourage to register as soon as possible.

To enter the building you will need a printed version of the official invitation from Lukasz Kolinski, Head of Unit DG ENER A4, and the document of identification used in the registration form.

Albert Borschette Center

METIS Dissemination Event on Wednesday 20/02 from 09:00 to 12:30

Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

—The power grid faces challenges in managing the increasing amounts of new wind and solar power generation. Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) are essential for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure. Artelys carried out a study for Latvian Transmission System Operator (TSO) AST to assess the renewable generation hosting capacity of the transmission grid and to evaluate the benefits that GETs can provide to renewable integration. The study performed simulations using the open-source optimal flow tool, PowSyBI Metrix. Results show that Grid Enhancing Technologies can increase Renewable Energy Sources (RES) hosting capacity by up to 40% and were announced in the following press release.

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