by carlyle deligny | Oct 26, 2021 | EN | News, EN | Solvers News
The MIT Biomimetic Robotics Lab uses Artelys Knitro to achieve High speed landing of quadruped robots Trajectory optimization The Biomimetic Robotics Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been using Artelys Knitro for real-time control of their...
by carlyle deligny | Oct 21, 2021 | EN | News, EN | Solvers News
Artelys team wins 530k$ prize money in prestigious ARPA-E Grid Optimization Competition ARPA-E’s Grid Optimization Competition Managed by ARPA-E, The Grid Optimization (GO) Competition is a series of challenges aimed at developing software management solutions to...
by carlyle deligny | Oct 6, 2021 | EN | News
Artelys improves the grid power flow of the PowSyBl open-source project for RTE The algorithm is used for transmission expansion planning, transmission capacity calculation, grid contingency security analysis, grid merging and exchange of data using the CGMES (Common...
by carlyle deligny | Oct 1, 2021 | EN | Reports
To support their efforts in the context of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, the European Commission has selected Artelys and its partners Trinomics (leader of the consortium), LBST and E3M to work on the design and assessment of policy options aiming at...
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